How do you know we care?
Jason Cobine
Protecting Assets, Income and Reputations. Digital & Intangible assets are a speciality.
This month; we were in the news ourselves again, more success stories from clients growing their profits and practical advice relating to Crowdstrike and similar issues.
News/Client Growth
Having won a Gold for our CSR activities nationally earlier this year, we were put forward for the International CSR Excellence Awards World Leaders and blown away that we won a silver.
The ceremony took place at St Paul's cathedral and was hosted in conjunction with the Green Organisation. We were truly honoured to be in the midst of some great world leaders in CSR and also those closer to home including Sky TV, Audible, Bluewater shopping centre who had inspiring CSR initiatives.
Do we go the extra mile for our clients - yes we do.
Our client was recovering after a spell in hospital and one of his commercial vehicles was hit twice by 2 different 3rd party's with over £15k of damage. Our Lisa came to the rescue and took care of things even getting a compensation payment for the client when the insurer missed a deadline. Read more here.
Last month it was Tesco that came calling. This month a client has secured a contract with Walmart that adds 26% to their turnover - partly because we were able to satisfy their ridiculously onerous insurance requirements. It could be recurring income, which is nice!
A client was about to take on a new contract yet we advised that the cost of the insurance required would dwarf the profit they were promised. They were delighted we told them before they signed up for a loss making contract.
What Does Cyber Insurance Do?
When Crowdstrike cocked up, it highlighted how significant pieces of our supply chains are now digital.
One expects a company as large as Crowdstrike to have bespoke cyber insurance. Our systems were affected yet only down for a few hours thanks to our robust supply chain and business continuity planning. And our Cyber Insurance would have paid if the outage continued.
You too can have bespoke cyber insurance, but what would it actually do for you if you needed it?
This seminar explains more, where Jim Simpson and I elaborate on what cyber insurance actually does.
Jim is an absolute expert in providing business focussed IT advice so I was delighted to team up with him.
How do you protect your business in the face of AI and this digital age we live in? Click here to view the webinar and we'll tell you.
The 4th Emergency Service
What happens when you hit your panic button? Would these be useful?
What do you think ransomware would cost? Click here to find out.
We have a confession - we had a Whoops moment in the July newsletter; the wrong link was put with the Tesco logo. It took you to Good Humans (one of our clients that won an award for being one of the the best places to work) when it should have taken you to Tesco MarketPlace.
Get in contact if there is anything you need our advice on, we are happy to help.
Warm regards