How do you know if you self-sabotage?
Gourav Sikka
GCP Data engineer| BigData | GCP | Goggle Bigquery | SAS|Dataproc |GCS|Tableau | Sqoop |Hadoop | Hive |DBT |Dremio |Power BI| DataLake |Datawarehouse |Databricks|Airflow|Cloud composer|Fivetran|miro|Control-M
Self-sabotage is when you undermine your own goals and values. In other words, you acknowledge that there's something out there you genuinely want and believe is good for you (e.g. keeping off those 20 pounds you just lost), but then you do things that directly conflict with that goal (e.g. late-night fast-food runs).
Self-sabotage involves behaviors or thoughts that keep you away from what you desire most in life. It's that internal sentiment gnawing at us, saying “you can't do this.” This is really your subconscious trying to protect you, prevent pain and deal with deep-seated fear
Self-sabotage occurs when your logical, conscious mind (the side of you that says you need to eat healthily and save money) is at odds with your subconscious mind (the side of you that stress-eats chocolate and goes on online shopping binges). The latter is your anti-self -- that critical inner voice that seems to hold you back and sabotage your efforts.
Self-sabotage involves behaviors or thoughts that keep you away from what you desire most in life. It’s that internal sentiment gnawing at us, saying “you can’t do this.”
We want something, but somehow we never accomplish it. Why? Because somewhere deep in our subconscious we’re fighting against that goal.