“How Do You Know If You Are On The Right Path?”
Hello My Friends, and welcome to this week’s #SolutionsSaturday”. This week’s question comes to us from me, since this is a question I had asked myself for so many years, and that is “How do you know if you are on the right path?”
The truth is I struggled with this question for many years. While I always enjoyed what I did, whether it was running my own construction company, doing client consulting or freelance Excel work, I always questioned myself and asked if this was truly the right direction and path for my future.
Looking back I can see that while these were important steps for me to take, that could not be skipped, it was not quite my destiny or true purpose. How did I know? The fact that I was simply questioning myself was enough to know that it probably was not my true passion or path. Likewise, you may also be asking this same question, or have asked yourself this question before.
While I am not an expert on this topic, I can at least share my experiences and how I feel I am on the path I belong. Since I was questioning myself about my path was probably my first clue that my current direction may not have been my future direction. While I was helping a few people and doing good freelance work, deep inside I knew I could do so much more. Basically, I was not living up to my potential. Only you know what your potential is and if you are being honest with yourself only you can decide if you are living up to it.
I wasn’t. However 2 years ago when I started Excel For Freelancers I quickly realized how much I had learned and how much I was really able to give back to the community I started waking up early, happy and excited to start my day. I was so excited to see the comments and figure out what solution I could create and share. This is the type of feeling I had longed for when it came to my work and purpose and it’s the kind of feeling that never goes away, even on bad days. THIS is how I knew I was on the right path.
Adding to that, your comments, feedback, messages and emails further solidified my purpose to give back to the freelance community. I quickly realized there were thousands and thousands of very talented, super smart, but struggling freelancers who also wanted to reach their dreams, and have that financial freedom they so deserve. I knew that if I could help just one person reach their dreams, then it is all worth it. I knew right away I was on the right path.
So how do you know when you are on the right path? Well it’s that feeling inside that is reinforced each day that makes you excited to wake up, to start another day and to realize that you are the best at what you do and getting better each and every day. That gut feeling inside that removes all doubt that you are where you belong. If you are not there yet, be patient, it took me nearly 30 years to find my true path and it’s rarely a straight path. Whatever you do, don’t give up and be honest with yourself when you are not quite there yet.
I look forward to helping and guiding all of you and helping you find your path and reach your true potential. I would love to hear your stories, feedback and any questions in the comments below
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Thanks so much,