How do you know if you are in Love?
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
Too many people are eager to get married but they haven't spent the time to really get to know each other. They are reacting on the interdiction behavior or their best foot forward, which can last for even weeks or months. Also "sex" is happening much too soon in the relationship! Which makes the relationship built on lust! Lust is not love and most people don't know what love is. They want bells and whistles which is not a good indication of love. Love takes time and requires work from both people. You must have good conversations, spend time doing things together and learning each other in many different situations. Also it requires what would happen if one or both person have a tragic event in their life. How will they handle it? Last but not least asking this question "If I became very ill would you stay with me or put me in a treatment center? Love is a commitment to someone that you have spent time with, have grown to enjoy their company, have a heart felt connection with and feel that you just can't live without them in your life, no matter what happens to either of you.