How do you know if it's time to quit your job?
Lucy Maeve
Professionally successful yet personally unfulfilled? Want to feel empowered, alive and excited about life again? Come, I'll show you how | Trained with Gabor Mate | Ex JP Morgan | Featured in the Telegraph & BBC
I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count how many times I’ve been asked this question, and if I’m really honest with you, I equally don’t have enough fingers and toes to count how many times I asked myself the same question.
Well… let me tell you this..
The reason you’re asking this question is probably because you KNOW that you don’t want to be in your job anymore.. but you’re scared to do anything about it… right?
No shame here… I felt the same for about 8 years so I’m not one to judge.
So a more interesting question to ask is ‘why am I so terrified to do something that in my heart I know is right?’
So, here lies a concept that if you fully commit to understanding and embodying… will change your life.
From birth, we are gifted a blueprint for what a ‘successful’ life should look like. Each of us has a slightly different blueprint but there are generally a few common threads for high-achievers like you which include:
This blueprint become our map for life, it’s our rule book. It’s a little route map for where we should go next. And every time we question our next step… we come back to our blueprint to find our way.
But the PROBLEM with this… is that the blueprint we were given:
It’s a sloppy mix of our parents beliefs and bullshit societal stuff that we’ve absorbed from the world.
Sure, the deepest part of us doesn’t believe it but the conductor of our minds will do ANYTHING it can to keep following the blueprint.
Think of that conductor as the most entitled person you know. The most Karen of Karens.
She. Has. To. Have. It. Her. Way.
And so as soon as the rebel, free-spirited one inside of you whispers… “but what if we just quit it all and started again?”
She FREAKS the F out.
And so…. you spiral back to the blueprint.
Rinse. Repeat.
Until… you understand how to take Karen away from the steering wheel.
Lucy x
P. S. Want to rip up the blueprint and write a new one that lets you actually take a step forward? Book a FREE call here..
P. P. S. I'm currently offering FREE life assessments where I'll share with you the THREE things holding you back from true freedom (and no, I won't just say you need to quit your job)
P. P. S. If you feel like some audio fodder on the topic… you might like this episode from my Podcast On Time: On Making the Right Decision