Sometimes it can be hard to know exactly where you stand with someone. Here are some signs you are in the GREY ZONE:
- You haven’t done the DTR (define the relationship).
You may have been seeing this person for a while and if your partner avoids having this talk when you bring it up, it may be a sign he doesn't want a real relationship.
2. No consistency when you get together.
You have been seeing someone for a good amount of time, but never know when you can expect to hear from them or when you will see them next. This is another sign you are probably not in a serious relationship.
3. He doesn't introduce you to his friends
If you have been seeing someone for a while, and he hasn't introduced you to anyone that’s important to them, then this is probably a sign that you are not in a relationship.
4. There is never any talk about the future
If this is the case, then this is probably a sign that your partner doesn’t see a long term future together.
5. You are anxious to hear back from them
In the beginning of a relationship, you might have some butterflies about dates , but you shouldn’t feel anxious about whether he likes you or not. If you are not an anxious person, and your relationship to someone else is creating anxiety for you, then this is a sign he is not committing.
If you have seen these signs in your relationship and you want something more serious then maybe it’s time for you to move on. It can be very hard to turn this grey zone into a relationship, unless the other person has a sincere change of heart, which of course can happen, but often will not. Talking it out will give you clarity on your "grey zone" and hopefully allow you both to move apart and on good terms!