How do you heal with the power of God?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: We don't turn to God to heal because to God there is nothing to heal. We turn to God because you cannot have the allness of God and a problem or sickness. In other words, there cannot be the Presence of God and the absence of any quality of God or the presence of any quality that is not of God. This is why Jesus told us to "seek first the consciousness of that inner kingdom and then goodness, the absence of badness, will follow".
God is the infinite nature of our individual spiritual being and because of that infinity, we look right through the problem or sickness to the very Spirit of God Itself and there we behold the perfection of God and sickness is healed. Jesus confirmed this when he said "when the Spirit of God is upon us the sick are healed". And so it is that God did not create problems or sickness, they are man-created and appear as the false belief of man. Their only seeming reality is in our believing them to be something.
Remember, the function of the Presence is to give you Life, healing, and that because of omnipresence, there can be no other presence. Sickness and problems do not exist anywhere except in the mind of man and that is why we don't try to heal sickness, we heal the cause which is the erroneous beliefs of our human nature. Since God is the only (perfect) cause, God must be the only (perfect) effect meaning that healing is really the perfection of, the consciousness of God made manifest.