How do you find new ways to perform better?

How do you find new ways to perform better?

I often ask myself this as I push myself to do more, to learn more, to find new avenues of energy, new capacity, to grow and outperform my “old” self.?

In light of life becoming busier, more calendar constraints, and more activities with the family, the endless sea of demands for my time never ceases often, if feels as though the waves of requests are crashing against a beach of shifting sand.?

The older I get, the more I move towards simplification. And the number 3 for some reason. I use a framework in contemplation to remind myself of my core values, which has helped me immensely. I hope it helps you think about your path to performance and what success is as you traverse your path in life.??

I call it the Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly…PBG.?

The P in the PBG is for People - Who supports me today, and how can I help support them better? Identifying the champions of you, the impacts they have made in your life, and how they might help you. Go to your people. You won’t ever wear out this welcome, for those who genuinely support you do so in a spirit of giving, and their generosity knows no end. Build more of these cherished people by moving your life towards a place of service to others and expecting nothing in return. But don’t ever be afraid to ask. Your faithful supporters want to help. Of course, this requires balance…too much and too often could easily unbalance these most important relationships.

The B in the PBG is for Balance - Applied towards your relationships and a life dedicated to service of others is quite powerful, but so is how it applies towards your body. I can’t stress the importance of how a healthy mind and body contribute to my performance. I perform better in work, relationships, and life when I have had proper sleep, nutrition, and consistent physical activity. I have been building discipline around this for over 30 years now. The last 15 have had a regular yoga practice, which generates a thing we call tapas (no, not food from Spain); it’s Sanskrit for right action, austerity, a discipline that accumulates over time. When you feel overloaded, get on the mat…or the bike…or your running shoes…whatever it is, just do it. When you don’t feel overloaded, still do it. And keep doing it…until your time here is done. Rest often, but acknowledge that this work pays dividends and should never stop.??

The G in PBG is for gratitude. I have found this one to be a complete surprise. The grape jelly, after all, is pretty odd. You’ll have a spoonful of peanut butter, but have you ever tried just the grape jelly…yikes. Funny enough, though, when I focus on being grateful for what I have instead of what I want, new doors of opportunity open up in front of me as though they have somehow been there all along. And have known just what I needed. It’s as if taking the time to focus on all the gifts I have been given and being thankful for them makes room for more…many of which I didn’t even know I needed. I have been cultivating gratitude as part of my yoga practice for a long time, and at some point years ago, a feeling of a river’s current came into my life. As though this current began taking me places, which required a practice of letting go. That river has taken me to where I am today, and I have learned to trust it. Much of the success I have experienced in recent years has stemmed from this river’s endless supply of energy and goodwill. It is literally the gift that has kept on giving.?

PBJs aren’t in many people’s diets these days. Sugar, carbs, gluten, nut allergies. But remember how they tasted growing up. They’ll always be with you. Whether you have one every now and then, like me toasted with butter, or they have moved to a particular school lunch sentimentality…I hope you can enjoy that feeling once in a while. It’s the feeling of truly being content.?

Some might say that is the greatest measure of success you’ll ever have.


