How do you find intelligent girls for dating? How do you recognise intelligent women? Is intelligence inherited or environmental?
This is an interesting topic to discuss. A lot of my friends are struggling to find a suitable match these days. Of course, the well-educated intellectuals are suffering the most.
Generally, men with higher IQs are more faithful and approve of monogamy more likely than less intelligent men. This is perhaps surprising for some people because there is this false narrative man is not created to be monogamous, in evolutionary terms.
An intelligent partner with whom you can form an intellectual connection can be a boon when it comes to the quality of your relationship. Mental health research gives us three reasons why finding an emotionally and cognitively intelligent partner might be the missing piece to our relationship puzzle. They are skilled communicators, compliment your intelligence and always open to learning.
I will try to discuss this topic with genetical, environmental and social conditions for achieving sensible practical answers. First up all, we must define intelligence, right?
What’s intelligence? Who is an intelligent person?
Definition 1: A person or being with the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
Definition 2: Intelligence can be defined as a general mental ability for reasoning, problem solving, and learning. Because of its general nature, intelligence integrates cognitive functions such as perception, attention, memory, language, or planning.
Definition 3: The mental quality that consists of the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to control an environment.
Besides those definitions, psychology and learning researchers have also suggested definitions of intelligence, such as the following:
Judgment, otherwise called “good sense”, “practical sense”, “initiative”, the faculty of adapting one’s self to circumstances … auto-critique.
2. David Wechsler
The aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.
3. Lloyd Humphreys
“…the resultant of the process of acquiring, storing in memory, retrieving, combining, comparing, and using in new contexts information and conceptual skills”.
4. Howard Gardner
To my mind, a human intellectual competence must entail a set of skills of problem solving — enabling the individual to resolve genuine problems or difficulties that he or she encounters and, when appropriate, to create an effective product — and must also entail the potential for finding or creating problems — and thereby laying the groundwork for the acquisition of new knowledge.
5. Robert Sternberg & William Salter
Goal-directed adaptive behavior.
6. Reuven Feuerstein
The theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability describes intelligence as “the unique propensity of human beings to change or modify the structure of their cognitive functioning to adapt to the changing demands of a life situation”.
7. Shane Legg & Marcus Hutter
A synthesis of 70+ definitions from psychology, philosophy, and AI researchers: “Intelligence measures an agent’s ability to achieve goals in a wide range of environments”, which has been mathematically formalized.
8. Alexander Wissner-Gross
F = T ? S?
“Intelligence is a force, F, that acts so as to maximize future freedom of action. It acts to maximize future freedom of action, or keep options open, with some strength T, with the diversity of possible accessible futures, S, up to some future time horizon, τ. In short, intelligence doesn’t like to get trapped”.
What’s common in all definitions?
Rationality, the ability to learn new knowledge and skills, and adaptability to new environments.
How many types of intelligence are there?
Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences proposes that humans are not born with all the intelligence they will ever have, and that everyone processes information in different ways. In other words, we continually learn and develop in different ways throughout our lives, even after we finish formal education.
Gardner does not define intelligence as one single, general ability, but instead he divides it into nine different intelligences. While someone might be particularly strong in one area, such mathematical intelligence, they will actually possess a range of abilities across several intelligence types.
Howard Gardner’s nine types of intelligence include:
1. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Logical-mathematical intelligence refers to someone’s ability to solve mathematical problems, spot trends and patterns, and understand relationships. If someone possesses logical-mathematical intelligence it means that order and sequencing feature greatly in their thinking process and they can think conceptually and abstractly.
2. Linguistic Intelligence: Someone’s ability to use words effectively. This doesn’t necessarily mean learning another language, someone who exclusively uses one language proficiently can still have linguistic intelligence.
3. Interpersonal Intelligence: Interpersonal intelligence or emotional intelligence refers to the link between intelligence and emotions. Someone with interpersonal intelligence is good at sensing other people’s emotions and reading their motives, this can be linked to both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
4. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self-awareness and people’s ability to understand themselves. Intrapersonal intelligence also involves appreciating and respecting the human condition, in general, treating others the way you would like to be treated yourself.
5. Musical Intelligence: Someone’s ability to sense rhythm and sound and use this to create music.
6. Visual-Spatial Intelligence: People’s ability to view or visualise the world in its three dimensions. When discussing visualizing the world in 3D, it involves the following capabilities: Mental imagery, Spatial reasoning, Image manipulation and Artistic skills.
7. Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence: Mind and body coordination is very important in athletes. Athletic ability isn’t often referred to as intelligence, but kinaesthetic intelligence is measured on someone’s ability to use their physicality to manipulate objects and other elements around them.
8. Naturalist Intelligence: Ability to read and understand nature. Having sensitivity to the non-living elements of all living things is considered “nature smart”.
9. Existential Intelligence: Deep sensitivity and people’s ability to handle deep questions such as the meaning of existence. People with existential intelligence are not only comfortable talking about these serious questions but also strive to find the answer.
Is there any connection between race and intelligence?
Based on scientific research and trials, I believe yes. There is a genetic component to Human Intelligence. In fact, the research results indicate that 50% of human intelligence is hereditary and 50% is environmental.
When we put forward honest realities about human intelligence, people call it racism to cancel the fact. Let me say, that race actually determines a lot of your intellectual abilities, along with other factors.
IQ is 60 percent heritable within the White population; and there is a stable, 15-point difference between averages IQs of Whites and Blacks. Also, East Asians — Japanese, Chinese, Singaporeans, Koreans, Taiwan, and Hong Kong—come in the Top 10 countries for Higher Average Collective IQ.
Just to make some common sense, Japan is a country that was totally destroyed in World War 2. They became a developed nation in the 1970s. What caused their collective progress from Ashes?
Because they invested in human resources, Japan has grown affluent and progressed over time. They possessed no natural resources. They imported the raw materials required by their country. To develop into a developed country, they spent many years making significant investments in the population’s human development. These entrepreneurs have effectively utilised additional resources like land and money.
Particularly in the areas of health and education, they have made investments in people. Efficiency and human-evolved technologies have helped the nation become wealthy and developed. Their technological effectiveness and productivity allowed them to succeed and brought about rapid economic expansion.
Why have Europeans advanced as a race in the world since the Dark Ages? What made them more intelligent than other races?
The populations in the colder, more challenging environments of Northern Europe had developed larger brains than those in warmer climates further south. The common weather pattern among East Asians and Europeans is a colder climate throughout the year.
European and Asian environments feature extremely cold winters, and the inhabitants of these regions historically faced greater challenges to survival than Africans. In colder winters, finding food was difficult, producing fire was difficult, building shelter was difficult, and producing warm clothes was difficult. Everything in the colder regions was more difficult than in the warmer and more tropical regions of the world. This is the prime reason why Europeans and East Asians developed higher intelligence than other races for their survival.
Now, coming to our real question, find Intelligent girls for dating?
I can’t exactly give an answer to this question, as the concept of intelligence is not a single thing. Intelligence has a wide range of spectrum now.
Based on geographical location:
According to UNESCO estimates, globally 129 million females are estimated to be out of school worldwide, including 32 million in primary school, 30 million in lower secondary school, and 67 million in upper secondary school. Girls are more than twice as likely to be out of school in conflict-affected nations as they are in non-affected ones.
Only 49% of the countries in the world have achieved gender parity in elementary education. Just 24% of countries have achieved gender parity in upper secondary education and 42% in lower school, which is where the gender gap widens.
Globally, Taiwan had the highest female literacy rate in 2021 at 99.99%. Estonia had the second-highest female literacy rate in the world in 2021 at 99.98%. Italy secured the third position with a female literacy rate of 99.97% rate. Ukraine, Singapore, Lithuania, Slovenia, Macau (SAR), Cyprus, and Latvia are among some of the other countries with a high female literacy rate.
Generally speaking, its European and East Asian ladies lead the list.
Based on professions:
Well, I shall make a wild guess about intelligent women based on professions. I accept that it only considers academic intelligence as the primary parameter for make selections.
Based on Racial ethnic groups:
Yeah, this is going to be a controversial answer for so many of them. In fact, it actually shows the importance of education and discipline in the community culture of ethnic groups across the world.
While Asians are often touted as the smartest people in the world, Ashkenazi Jews as a group average 115 on an IQ test — eight points higher than Asians and dramatically higher than the world average of 79.1. East Asian clusters (Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans) with 105. This was followed by Europeans (100), Inuit-Eskimos (91), South East Asians (87), Native American Indians (87), Pacific Islanders (85) and South Asians & North Africans (84).
1. Ashkenazi Jews
2. East Asian clusters (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans)
3. Caucasians (White Europeans)
4. Inuit-Eskimos
5. African Americans
6. South East Asians
7. Native American Indians
8. Pacific Islanders
9. South Asians
10. Indians (Brahmins, Jains, Kayasth, Parsi, Christians, and Sikhs)
11. Hispanics.
12. South African Whites
13. South African Coloureds
Based on Activities and Hobbies:
My general opinion is based on intelligent people interests and habits. These are the Intelligence boosting exercises and hobbies:
· Learning a new instrument (9.71% IQ increase)
· Knitting (9.68%)
· Exercising (7.37%)
· Reading (7.07%)
· Practicing meditation (6.38%)
· Learning a new language (5.88%)
· Gardening (5.10%)
· Joining an online video game group (4.81%)
· Making and editing videos (4.26%)
· Trying new recipes every week (4.17%)
· Start writing/blogging (4.12%)
· Colouring in an art book (3.96%)
· Daily journaling (3.26%)
· Playing a new board game (2.00%)
· Sewing (1.03%)
My wild guess is that you will have higher probability of finding intelligent women in Fitness clubs, Music classes, libraries, Online Discussion forums and communities, Yoga and Meditation centers, video making groups.
Also, you will have the highest chances of finding an intelligent girl in universities and research towns where people engage in teaching and the creation of new knowledge.
So, what’s my whole point?
I tried to explain the concept of the spectrum of intelligence in Modern Psychology. The genetic component in the heritability of intelligence is an observed, research-proved fact. Also, I gave comparisons based on Geographic location, Ethnicity, Professions and human habits.
However, I must say there is a term for people who are attracted to Intelligent people.
Sapiosexuality: A person is sexually attracted to highly intelligent people, so much so that they consider it to be the most important trait in a partner. It is a relatively new word that has become more popular in recent years. Both LGBTQ+ people and heterosexual people may identify as sapiosexual.
My common sense is that people attract people, right? To find an intelligent match for yourself, you must be on their level at first, and you must have a standout and approachable personality. Suppose I am highly intellectual and intelligent, nobody knows me, how will people with similar vibe will connect me?
I must say, you must stand out from the crowd to connect the people of your vibe and type in the Social Media Age.
Yes, there are some good places and spots where you have the luck to find intelligent girls for dating — Libraries, University towns, Online Forums, Intellectual communities, Coffee shops, Concerts, Niche Gatherings etc.
Good luck brothers, Happy Dating!
Ma?trise Biblio. Sc. Info (EBSI) | B.A. Histoire, 33 cr. Philosophie (UQAM) | ??Formation en chant & solfège |??Créatrice littéraire??poétesse libre ♀?Féministe, humaniste, biophile??
11 个月Intelligent women ar no different than intelligent men, they are human beings and they can be artists and poets or philosophers, historians or an ecological militant. There is no modern feminism ! Feminism is feminism and it shows you are an American because you feel threatened for nothing. Who cares about the possibility of being murdered when the possibility of being rape is far more horrible. What you're writing about would not be tolerated by feminists of past years like Simone de Beauvoir who like thought that a woman should not be reduced to her uterus. Margaret Atwood would tell yu like me that you are a Masculinist, dangerous and racist (your remark about the Obamas).