How do you FIND and HIRE great people?
Alison Sawhill
Media Consultant | Audio & Digital Expert | Business Development | Problem Solving
Unemployment is at record lows, for April 2019 unemployment was at a low of 3.6, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Simply put- the economy is relatively healthy and people are working- YAY!
What does this mean if you are trying to find qualified talent to hire- YOUR JOB IS SUPER HARD RIGHT NOW! But there are things you can do to mix up your recruitment efforts today.
As a marketing professional that has seen, recessions, market booms, bubble and crashes, I am well versed on real time techniques to help business grow in any economy. Sometimes, the way to help a business grow is to help it staff up for their growth. If a business doesn’t have the RIGHT people in the RIGHT positions today, growth will be slow if at all.
Some of the most popular methods in 2019 for recruitment are the on line services like Indeed, Zip Recruiter, Monster, LinkedIn and Glassdoor. There are many others and they all have a talent pool just waiting for you. But who is in that talent pool? People who are unhappy? People who may or may not fit your needs. Here’s the hardest part- how do you FIND THE ONE- your UNICORN? The computer algorithm sorts candidates by if they “have the correct key words” in their resume. And maybe your unicorn does not have the right key words- then you never get to connect with them.
What if you are looking for someone who is currently employed and happy but ready for the next challenge. They would not have taken the time to upload their resume, fill out all the forms- because they have a job they like right now. They don’t know about you and your opportunity YET.
So how do you reach both of these UNICORN candidates? In today’s market, I am recommending-radio and co branded digital tactics. Happy employed people listen to the radio. Happy employed people cruise social media and spend time in their phones. By using these techniques in a fresh and creative way you will reach more candidates and find your UNICORN.
I can help you develop the right message, and put that message in front of the right audience. I am here to help. It’s not too late for summer seasonal help, looking for recent grads and educated/motivated candidates.