How do you enrol new clients?
If you are a professional trainer, coach, or consultant and you get most of your business from “word of mouth” referrals, that’s brilliant!
You clearly do a great job. Congratulations!
But, if your business hasn’t yet reached a consistent level of sales or you want to scale – you probably need to take a good look at your sales process, and any limiting beliefs you may have around selling.
What is a sales process?
A sales process is a systematic way to identify the problem your prospective client wants to solve, the solution you provide which has solved the same problem for other people like him or her, and the steps you will both take to solve the problem together and inspire them to make a good decision.
We typically create an image, or diagram, or picture, or other visual representation of the process a prospective customer or client goes through to make their decision. Starting from the time they first interact with you and your brand to the time when they recognise that you can solve their problem and have a conversation with you and become a client. We call this a Conversion Funnel, which maps the sales process you have designed for your client to take to make a good decision, get their problem solved, and feel delighted with your service.
This sales process becomes a “blueprint” for your lead generation and sales and guides you in every conversation you have with your prospective customer or client – whether face to face or in writing in a letter or an email, or on social media.
So, it’s a structured way to start, maintain, and develop your conversation with your prospective customer until you decide to open a coaching/training/consulting relationship. As far as possible that conversation is designed to continue across multiple media and interactions as you gradually get to know your customer or client well and educate him or her on what you can do. Like you are reading his or her mind and you can
What are the benefits of a systematic sales process?
A sales process enables you to tailor the conversation to where your customer or client is in their decision-making process and guide them to make a good decision.
What are the steps in a good sales process and how many do you need?
Join us for our webinar to answer this question and remove any limiting beliefs…
And feel free to message me back if you have any questions.