How do you develop a ladder of participation?
We're developing a strategic approach to participation, building on our existing strategy work?and specifically on citizens assemblies — which I’ve blogged about?here?and?there.
Part of that approach is helping services improve how they do participation. There’s obviously making it more consistent,?but also moving from consultation to co-design and ideally devolving power to citizens.?I asked on Twitter:
This diagram is much more visual and clear:
And the one I love is this ladder that starts with citizens themselves:
Ultimately, it’s about thinking about these different types of relationships:
The original Armstein is still a benchmark by which others reference the ladder of participation. Some have evolved it to show how it connects to specific disciplines.
It’s important to be clear about the context that a council will work in where in certain cases, the council doesn’t have any power because of national legislation, so they need to decide/impose. However, it should also aim to create spaces for citizens to be involved, and I think the diagram below provides that context — be it developing a project or working in a place. Most importantly, it also acknowledges that citizens should lead projects themselves…who would have thought!
The table below expands on that and shows how the design and delivery of services intersect in terms of the relationship that policymakers and citizens have.
And this table reminds us that we need to be clear about what the promise is to the public:
As an organisation, it’s really important to define what role we have, to be open and honest to people we involve as to what support we will provide, and to be clear about what role they will have too:
However, for some people even just creating a ladder “imbues hierarchy and doesn’t convey that there may be different ways of working together in a range of encounters”. That’s why I really like the quote below:
The table below shows when you might use different types of participation and how you could use the inputs:
This tree of participation provides a holistic way of considering the different factors:
Beyond participation, there are other ladders being developed:
And this on certainty and purpose
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