How Do You Determine Whether Your Lead Is Sales Ready?

How Do You Determine Whether Your Lead Is Sales Ready?

Let's start by grasping some fundamentals.

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) are prospects who the marketing team believes have a high likelihood of becoming customers, as opposed to Sales Qualified Leads (SQL), which are evaluated by both the marketing and sales teams. If you don't have a procedure for identifying a SQL, not only are the efforts of your sales and marketing team wasted, but the closing rates will also suffer.

A uniform system for classifying leads as qualified becomes crucial at this point.

Here are 4 effective methods for doing this.

Team Marketing and Sales Coordination

Sales claim that the marketing team fails to deliver qualified leads, and the marketing team alleges that sales fails to follow up on leads in a timely manner.

To ensure that there is always consensus on what is handed on, start by defining SQLs and MQLs.

Pose pertinent inquiries, such as

What should be used to identify sales follow-up right away?

Which message during a sales interaction connects with prospects?

Why is a lead considered unqualified?

What should one watch out for in terms of warning signs? Etc

?Once the criteria is established, marketing can categorize leads with precision and match its efforts to the demands of the sales team.


Lead Scoring Metrics

Using marketing automation software, you may monitor this stage of the sales process and build up a lead scoring system (LSS) to give each action a value. The sales team may be referred to a lead once they reach a predetermined threshold. You must define two factors in LSS.

Customer persona: You must identify the perfect customer for your firm. Obtain pertinent information from a variety of sources, such as by posting inquiries on your website about job titles, industries, firm sizes, etc. You will gain insight into which leads are most likely to convert.

Engagement level influences purchase readiness. It is based on the lead's behaviour and considers things like website activity, download volume, email activity, social media engagement, etc. The sales team can contact your lead once they pass a certain point.


Develop content for every phase of the sales cycle.

Remember that before your teams take ANY action, we reminded you that each of your leads is at a distinct stage of the customer journey. The content you make available to your potential customers at each stage falls under the definition of "ANY" action.

Leads at the top of the funnel: These potential customers are not seeking a solution. Therefore, avoid sending them sales information. Send them content on current trends or instructional articles, guides, booklets, whitepapers, video tutorials, etc. instead to target the pain points that your customers frequently suffer.

Leads in the middle of the funnel These potential customers are well aware of their issues and seeking remedies. They are most likely interested in information such as comparison charts, webinars, checklists, case studies, etc. that will assist them in selecting the best solution.

Bottom-of-the-funnel: They are about to make a purchase. They want to know what the product can do for them, and they are interested in demos, trial runs, presentations, consultations, etc.


BANT system.

?For a number of our clients, we have employed the BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, and Time) system, and the outcomes are consistently outstanding. It aids in determining:

?Has your potential customer have the money to buy?

Are they prepared to spend money on a good or service to alleviate a problem?

Has the potential customer the power to make a purchase?

Does your potential customer require your goods or services?

When does your potential customer want to buy?

The responses assist in separating eligible leads from unqualified leads. Your sales team will be able to close more deals thanks to all the procedures, which will also help you qualify leads more correctly than before.


