How do you define success?
Sheetal Makhija
SME - Cybersecurity, Data Science & Business Intelligence, Big data Analytics | Passionate Trainer | Writer | Learner for Life
“What have you achieved in life?”
This is a question most of us face and is often the first step into depression, for some of us.
We often find our friends and colleagues getting promoted, starting their own businesses and even earning more money and probably getting a better and bigger house.
Then we look back at ourselves and start thinking – “Where do I stand? What have I achieved?”
Comparing ourselves with others is never the best idea! We all work and function as per our individual timelines. The timelines for two people are never the same, nor their strengths and weaknesses and finally, neither are our circumstances.
Comparing yourself to others and use it as a fuel point for your motivation; rather than, comparing yourself to others and using it to steal your happiness. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, try comparing yourself to the person you were yesterday, or even the day before.
At the age of 33, I had my world snatched away from me. My reality changed. I restarted my whole journey all over again – a journey that I had abandoned a very very long time back. With this also came the journey of leading my life on my terms and not terms that were dictated by my parents or not even the society for that matter. For people like my father, the money that is present in your bank account defines success. However, that’s not what I define my definition of success.
Success for me is –
- Having lost weight and going from 110 kgs to 80 kgs and having a healthy glow on my face.
- Being an unintentional inspiration to people.
- Being able to make people smile.
- Maintaining a positive attitude always.
- Not giving up on my dreams and following my dreams in spite of all odds.
- Learning something new every day
- Being able to support my family in whatever form I can.
- Being able to heal me.
- Learning to love me unconditionally and loving others in the same way.
- Being able to follow my dreams and passion.
It’s important that to understand and accept that the biggest car and the biggest house is of no use if you are not happy. Keeping yourself happy and being grateful for what you have is what matters at the end of the day.
Never define your success and achievements based on others’ opinions.
Create your own definition of success.
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