How do YOU define success?

How do YOU define success?

I often ask many of my clients what is their definition of success. Some answers are materialistic based expectations, such as exotic cars or mansions by the ocean, and other is about excellent health and longevity. Of course, depending on your existing situation, answers to that question will vary. If you are physically sick, excellent health will be your priority. One of my favorite coach, the late John Wooden, defined success as follow:“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”

Success is primarily an attitude, and especially a positive one. It is self based, and not related to anyone else recognizing your success, but you realizing it first should be a priority.

Learn to visualize everything you work on, everything you endeavor as it is crucial to know where you are going. Write a journal to keep track of your progress towards your goals.

Speak out loud of what you are doing, not to someone in particular, but to yourself.

Determine what is YOUR WHY. Why you do the things to become a better person, or more successful person. What is your mission statement? List all your goals from easy to difficult and divide the difficult one in smaller chunks so it is easier to achieve. Don't over extend yourself as we are all human and can handle only so much from other daily challenges. Most importantly, never settle for anything less than what YOU believe to be the best for you. Try going for the moon, but if you only reach the stars, that is also great.

So what is YOUR definition of success?


Dr. Dan Amzallag, PhD, C.B.T, M.B.A, C.L.C, NLP的更多文章

