HOW DO YOU CREATE WHAT YOU WANT? Week 2 of 2, Edition #6
Last week, we discussed structural tension and setting up habit loops for a specific healthy habit. This week, we will learn about a powerful tool in our arsenal: microHabits of Health (mHoH) and connecting our now to our later to make daily consistency as easy as possible.
?There are three questions we need to ask ourselves as we prepare to install a new habit:
Enter: microHabits. They allow us to install behaviors that will automatically sustain our health in an effective way.
A microHabit of Health (mHoH) is, by definition, easy to do and always within our ability in terms of ease or effort. They take into account other limiting factors such as time constraints.
MicroHabits will help ensure that even when life gets in the way we will always be able to carry out the habit. Imagine that your secondary Habits of Health have been made so small in terms of effort that we can do them even on our worst days. When our willpower, discipline, and motivation are almost zero, we are still unstoppable. We can always do it!
It is this consistency and predictability that creates the new behavior. It takes an average of 66 days to install a new habit. It could be as low as 18 days for easy habits or several months for more complex new behaviors.
mHoH Routine
Now, we pick a microHabit from our structural tension chart or one of our secondary choices. Use the diagram below to write out the routine.
Now we have the means of decreasing the size of our new habits and be sure of its daily installation!
What about connecting our 'now' to our 'later' or connecting present action to immediate and long-term rewards?
If we can connect our current routines to future benefits by creating present consequences, we can create mutual benefits. In essence, we need to connect our present and future selves to that the daily choices we make benefit both of our selves.
In the area of weight management from my previous example (see last week article, January 31, 2022), here is how my picture looks:
Now we are ready to create a transformational cycle.
Here is a model that connects all of the components of habit installation in one transformational cycle.
?In my example of healthy weight transformation cycle:
Now it's your turn to take the habit loop you have selected and put it into this transformational cycle. This will give you all the variables to install your new habit, so it supports both your immediate and long-term health and well-being.
Next week, we will focus on how the people, places and things in your surroundings can be modified to serve you in creating your new story!
Meanwhile, #stayhealthymyfriends