How do you Create Virtual Team-Building Activities?

How do you Create Virtual Team-Building Activities?

The remote work culture is blooming like wildfire. Businesses also prefer hiring virtual employees over in-house assistants, as it helps them save costs and time on a large scale.

The virtual team manages significant tasks and operations of the business from the comfort of their homes.

According to the report released by Forbes, approx. 16% of companies regulate completely remotely.

As working from home is quite boring and puts a person in isolation.?

And they also face a lack of social interaction and a fun-loving environment.

To motivate the virtual team and give them personal space, it is essential to conduct entertaining virtual team activities regularly.

This can help them to perform better in their specific areas and refresh their minds to start with a new spirit and enthusiasm.

So, in this blog, we will refer to the most effective ways for creating virtual team-building activities.

Top 10 Virtual Team Building Activities

Virtual team-building activities inspire employees to provide quality results and perform the activities with a positive mindset.

Arrange a tea session with your virtual team

A tea session meet-up is a golden chance for employees to understand each other well. Arranging a tea session helps people from different backgrounds connect and share practical experiences of life.

This will help to establish a personal connection with the virtual employees and contemplate each other’s problems deeply.

Conduct a meet-up for storytelling

Listening to the individual stories of your virtual team members is one of the best virtual team-building activities. Everyone has their unique stories to share.

For flowing ideas, you can listen to various podcasts and thoroughly analyze your past experiences.? ?

Employees feel more comfortable sharing their stories with their peers. So, you can organize a storytelling show for your virtual teammates.?

This will help them to learn from their past mistakes and excel in the future.

Promote giving gifts to each other

You should promote exchanging gits between your virtual team members. It is not like that in a virtual set-up, you cannot give gifts to each other.

You can purchase something special online for your team members. In addition, applications like Elfster may manage gift exchanges anonymously, and people may create wish lists to make the process smooth and effective.??

This will help to establish a strong connection with your virtual group. Also, a feeling of love, care, and support will be automatically developed between employees.

Organize fun games and activities regularly

It is important to constantly initiate entertaining games and activities for your virtual team members.

Many times, due to the pressure of the work people get highly distressed and become prone to anxiety and depression.

This helps them to relieve their stress and burden and makes them feel happy.

So, regularly there should be some mind-refreshing games for virtual teammates.

Administer an online hackathon

Try administering a virtual internal hackathon to collaborate with teams and foster creativity and uniqueness.

This is the best method to deal with threatening situations. It also helps to unite groups together across departments and analyze new product specifications.

This also ignites a competitive spirit between employees and helps them tackle difficult circumstances with great efficiency.

Virtual teammates can also upgrade their skills in project management and technical facilitation on a wide scale.

Organize a coherent virtual team playlist

Everyone likes listening to music meanwhile performing the tasks and mostly in free time. With time, your favorite melodies may also turn quite boring.

Therefore, you must ask your group to come together and develop a collaborative playlist.

Your teams will be enthusiastic about sharing their favorite music and finding several new artists.

You may have a theme every week with a fresh playlist or develop a running list of your company’s favorite jams.

Conduct fruitful virtual yoga sessions?

Taking virtual yoga sessions is an alternative for groups that want a wellness-focused activity.

It helps people relax their muscles and give relaxation to the body for the whole day.?

Teams may adhere to their systems as an advisor instructs them through different breathing, stretching, and power-boosting exercises.

Initiate an appraisal platform for virtual team

Encourage a platform for your virtual team members, where they can praise each other and tell each other’s qualities to motivate each other towards excellence.?

Referring to the attributes of team members can help easily build their confidence and help to focus on several specialized areas of their expertise.?

Also, the team members can begin with a fresh start and an optimistic energy.

So, regularly, sessions of appraisals must be organized for virtual teammates to ensure successful development.

Streamline question-and-answer sessions

You should organize a detailed question-and-answer session for your virtual team members.

It will allow them to easily ask questions from each other and answer those questions based on their particular understanding.

This shall help to make a close relationship with different members of the virtual team. It will also support them in exercising a healthy role in the company’s development.??

Promote financial assistance channels between virtual team members

You should create and promote platforms for financial assistance between virtual team members.

The main motive of these platforms should be to support virtual team members additionally by your expenses in times of difficulty.

This support shall be not included in the financial resources provided by the company.?

It will help to build a strong connection with your virtual team members in the long run.?


Virtual team-building activities play a constructive role in developing a strong business model. Every business needs to align its team-building activities systematically.

It is certainly not easy for a business administrator to unite their virtual team members and collaboratively help them to learn, grow, and improve.

But by streamlining top virtual team-building activities, this is possible. It is essential to design team-building activities for virtual employees based on their specific interests.

If you are also looking for effective team-building strategies for your business, this blog can provide you with the relevant pieces of information.


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