How Do You Create Success in the 21st Century?
This is the number one question I get asked all the time.
So who asks me this question?
Do you fit into one of these categories?
"Education is the Key to Success"
I'm sure you've heard this phrase before. It's a cliche at this point, correct?
But what does it really mean. Why is education the key to success?
So here's the truth.
Education is the key to success because it's assumed that the more education you get, the more money you can make.
But that's a bad assumption, and here's why?
Learning isn't the key to success.
If that were true--then you could pick up a book, any book and start reading. If blind education was really the missing link, then more people would be successful. Think about it, how many college graduates do you know who earn less than $50,000 a year?
I'm guessing, probably a lot.
So what's the real answer--what is the key to success?
The answer is quite simple actually.
The key to success is learning how to be successful. That's right, people need to learn "how to be successful" and then they can follow that formula in their own lives.
And this is the single biggest problem with our current K12 system and with the collegiate system after that.
Thus, I want to ask you one question:
Did you ever learn how to make your dreams come true in school?
You can take your time thinking about that question, but I know the answer already. And the answer is "NO!"
That's not what the K12 system teaches. And I know what they teach because I spent 20 years inside the system. I am a former teacher, principal and superintendent turned entrepreneur--and I have also conducted over 20 years of academic research as well.
So I know the answer.
School taught you how to read, write and do math.
"That's awesome!"
I'm not being facetious. You need to learn how to read, write and do math. These are the 3 foundational skills that help you build the rest of your journey. If you never learn how to read, write and do math--you cannot be successful in life.
But here's the problem--that's all school teaches you.
And the academic research says that 21st century learners need 8 essential skills.
Well, I only count 3 so far--so where are the other five?
And that's the issue.
So I left the K12 system.
In 2013, I launched my first startup called the Education Development Institute. It's an education think tank and we do academic research, as well as consulting for schools and businesses that want to transform their old, and stodgy organization into a 21st century environment.
And then in 2020, I launched my second startup called Leaf Academy, which I am currently building out right now. Leaf Academy will become the world's first online 21st century school.
So let's answer the question now.
How do you create success in the 21st century?
When you receive a 21st century education, you can see the difference right away. And here's why?
You're not learning old, outdated and passive classes. What's the biggest problem with High School English, Math, Science and Social Studies courses? The answer is they are flat and lifeless.
What can you do with them in real life?
And the answer is not much. The truth is that the K12 system has just become a feeder system into the colleges and universities. And it's not even a very good feeder system at that. According to data from the US Department of Education, only 60% of students who go to college finish their degree. (NCES, 2019).
Meanwhile, if you decide to go to college, all you're doing is signing yourself up for a lifetime of debt. And not good debt either, like a mortgage or a business, but this is bad debt--the kind of debt you take to the grave.
A 21st century education teaches you 8 essential skills you need to learn. That means, a 21st century education teaches you how to read, write and do math first--and THEN it teaches you the last 5 skills you need to create success in your future.
If you've been following my account, you already know what those 5 skills are.
But if you want to start speaking the language of 21st century experts, then consider subscribing to my free newsletter here.
What type of success do you want?
Before I can show you how to create success, you need to answer this question: "What type of success do you want?"
This question is important to answer because this is "YOUR LIFE" not mine. You have to decide the path you want to follow. You have the freedom to choose what you want to do.
Thus, the problem isn't choosing a path--the problem is figuring out how you make enough money walking down that path.
Did a lightbulb just go on?
And that's the secret sauce.
That's what makes a 21st century education better than the current K12 system. This is what you need to learn. And this is what makes a 21st century education the key to success.
Do you see the difference now?
So here's the problem with, "education is the key to success."
It's just not true. You can't take any class and be successful. You can't read any book and learn what you need to know. The truth is you need a specific education and you need to learn the right skills, in order to be successful in the 21st century.
And trying to sell people on the idea that "any old education" will do - is shameful.
What Path Do You Choose?
This has to be the first question you answer. And this needs to become part of the curriculum in high schools. We cannot continue to graduate high school students who have no idea what direction they are going in.
Every single person needs a roadmap for success.
Yes, you need to know how you're going to get from "HERE" to the finish line.
The Young Entrepreneur Program
The first education program I am launching at Leaf Academy is called the Young Entrepreneur Program. And it's designed for people under the age of 30, who want to get a leg up in life. (if you're over 30, you're more than welcome also, but it's designed for young people).
What makes this brand new program special is that it will teach you exactly how to build a revenue stream.
Yes, you heard me-- if you join this program, you will learn how to build 1, 2 or multiple revenue streams by the time you're done with the program.
That means, when you finish--you will have one revenue stream up and running and making you money.
This isn't going to be easy. I need to pre-warn you.
There are two phases to this program.
I've been in education for over 20 years and I have found based on experience and backed by academic research that people learn better when they take classes and then they are allowed to practice the skills they learned in hands-on, real world experiences.
That's how I designed the Young Entrepreneur program.
When you join the program, first you will take entrepreneur classes. And then you will practice those skills in the hands-on workshop.
In other words, first you will learn everything you need to know about entrepreneurial skills and then you will get an opportunity to practice them in the real world.
That means, when you are done--you will have at least one working revenue stream.
What is the End Result?
What happens when you finish high school?
The answer is nothing.
That's because high school didn't teach you how to do anything. It just taught you "stuff" or content. What you needed was a way to convert that "learning" into hands-on skills.
So let's look at the Young Entrepreneur program together. What will you learn and then how will you convert that education into hands-on experience?
That sounds good, but it's still not enough. Knowing how to do all of these things is much different than knowing how to make them work in real life. And that's the missing link in education.
That's why there's a second phase to this program. The first phase is the classwork, but the second phase is the workshop because you need to know how to convert your new knowledge into hands-on skills.
In other words, the end result is that you have a working revenue stream that can make you money. That's called tangible results. And this is what our high schools and colleges do not offer. They do not offer tangible results.
Do You Want to Know More?
Does the Young Entrepreneur program sound exciting?
Imagine being able to sign up for an education program that can show you tangible results? Imagine if school delivered on its promises?
The Young Entrepreneur program is groundbreaking because it's breaking the mold of education. This is how 21st century education should look. Students need to learn the foundational skills, like reading, writing and math, but then they also need to know how to convert that knowledge into hands-on skills.
If you want to know the answers to these questions and more, then here's what you should do.
The Young Entrepreneur program isn't ready to launch yet, but it will be soon and I don't want you to miss the alert, that's why you should join the waiting list. I have been telling people about this program for the last week, so there are a few hundred people signed up so far --but I don't want you to miss out on this groundbreaking 21st century program.
I only need your email -- so we are not asking for your name or any other personal information. Just your email and that's it. That way when we are ready to launch, you will be the first one to get an alert. You don't want to miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity, especially if you're curious about becoming an entrepreneur.
Happy new year and I wish you nothing but success, and I hope to see you soon. You should join the waiting list, today.