How Do You Build Consumer Trust in Your Marketing Strategies?

How Do You Build Consumer Trust in Your Marketing Strategies?

How Do You Build Consumer Trust in Your Marketing Strategies?

Whether it’s in our personal or professional life, trust is difficult to build. It takes time and effort to establish trust, and once you do, it can also be difficult at times to maintain it. In the digital age, one mistake can change everything in a blink of an eye. When it comes to businesses, it isn’t any different.

In the age of social media, brands have made a considerable effort to communicate messages about what they stand for in a positive light. However, on social media platforms, even perceived misrepresentations or mistakes can have monumental consequences.

As a result, it’s critical for enterprises to devise robust marketing strategies to accurately reflect and support the company’s vision while keeping the customer-base engaged.

This means that businesses need to have an in-depth understanding of their audience and only share content that will not only resonate with them but withstand intense scrutiny.

So how do you go about building consumer trust in your marketing strategies? Let’s take a look.

Be Authentic

Your target market is now savvier than ever, so they’ll know when you’re engaging in marketing activities. So the best approach here is to always be authentic and only share messages that educate or provide some value.

If you blindly self-promote on social media channels, you can expect it to inspire a backlash. The rule here is that highly effective content marketing campaigns don’t explicitly try to sell anything or “preach” extensively about brand values. Instead, it makes a statement that reflects the values of the target audience.

Make a Stand!

According to research, as much as 66% of consumers state that it’s important for brands to take a public stand on social and political issues. Furthermore, 52% of customers will also be more loyal when they agree with the brand’s position on the issue.

However, if they disagree, as much as 53% will buy less from the business. Worse still, another 33% will even wholly boycott the brand.

As a result, it’s imperative practice caution!

Before going public, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the issues and how they relate to your target audience. When you get it right, it can have a massive impact on your bottom line. 

A great example of this is Nike’s highly successful and controversial Kaepernick ad campaign which saw sales skyrocket by as much as 31%.

Get Everyone On-board

When you’re working on building trust, you can’t have someone else from another department ruin all your effort. That’s why it’s important to build relationships across departments and get them on board with your brand vision.

To achieve this, marketers will have to run internal campaigns to ensure that everyone gets the same message. You should also take it a step further and make sure that these same values are reflected in employee LinkedIn profiles.

It will also help to publish thought-leadership style articles to support your consumer trust-building marketing strategy. This approach will work much better than having your staff just list their qualifications.

Know Your Social Platforms

Speaking of LinkedIn, it’s essential to note that content on one social media platform won’t always translate to another. For example, what’s deemed appropriate for Instagram won’t necessarily work on a professional networking platform.

This makes it important to conduct research to ascertain the most appropriate and responsive channel to deliver your message effectively. For example, if you’re going to deliver a political message, it will be better to move forward with blog posts.

Blogs provide enough real estate to get your point across clearly and offers ample opportunities to engage your audience. However, it’s important to respond to their comments as quickly as possible.

Be Cautious with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are a great asset to marketing campaigns. In fact, as much as 82% of consumers will act upon a recommendation made by a micro-influencer.

However, you have to do your research and choose them carefully. This is because unlike celebrities and brand ambassadors, they don’t have any binding contracts or anyone overseeing their actions. This is also the primary reason why their audience loves them.

Whether they have 10,000 or 100,000 followers, their audience is engaged with them because they both share a passion. So it’s vital to ensure that your brand vision aligns perfectly with their interests. When micro-influencers champion your brand, it can go a long way to build trust and sway brand loyalty. 

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Written by:

?Nick Day | Managing Director

JGA Recruitment Group

Email: [email protected] | Tel: 01727 800 377



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