How do you do Big Data?
Kevin Monte de Ramos
I’m back! More energized and passionate than ever before. It is time to reconnect. Call me.
The year is coming to an end and the New Year is fast approaching. Sure, there has been some big talk about big data! But I want to know how you use big data and more importantly ... WHY?
Share your story and demonstrate the value big data analytics has made on your organization. Here are some basic guidelines for your post:
- Context Matters: Bring us up to speed on the problem. Save the adjectives and give it to us straight. (i.e. Our drivers spend too much time on the road between jobs.)
- A Decent Proposal: Tell us what you asked for and what you actually got. This one will be tough, but try something like this: I asked for a vehicle tracking solution costing $500k, but got only an authorization to spend $150k budget ... so we opted for RFID tokens instead.
- The Payoff: Tell us why your project is envied by all. Sure, go ahead ... I give you permission to brag. You can take as much space as you want for this!!!
(i.e. The RFID tokens worked, because our drivers fell in love the new 10" tablets and the generous data plan that came with it. Now they stream their favorite music while driving and their favorite movies at night. We get a location readings every 5 minutes for a fraction of the proposed cost. Today, we can easily identify the most productive workers on our team ... and the not so productive workers who are no longer on the team.)
Let's see what you have been up to.