In this article, you will learn the importance of increasing your activity level and NEW ways to increase that level based on the NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) System.
NEAT is the energy expended from everything we do when we're not sleeping or exercising. Just by making NEAT motions throughout the day, you'll burn extra calories. Best of all, there's no intense workout involved—you're actually setting the stage for exercise at your own pace.
Here are the six NEAT categories along with a MicroHabit tip to help increase your daily healthy motion:
- Stance. You can practice NEAT while you're sitting. While sitting in an upright chair that supports your posture, flex your stomach muscles, and take deep breaths.
- MicroHabit: Add two additional minutes of focus on the core position per day.
- Standing. Get out of your chair as much as possible. Instead of sitting, stand while you're talking on the phone or working on your laptop.
- MicroHabit: Add 10 additional minutes of standing per day.
- Strolling (Walking). Take standing one step further, and walk when you can. Park your car farther away from the store so that you can get some extra steps in.
- MicroHabit: Add 100 additional steps per week.
- Stairs. Climbing one flight of stairs is equivalent to walking 100 steps. Instead of taking the elevator, use the stairs to burn some quick calories!
- MicroHabit: Add one additional flight of stairs per week.
- Samba (Dance). Turn on the music and get moving! Music helps boost physical and mental performance. Tapping your foot, nodding to the beat, or even singing will get you moving.
- MicroHabit: Add 10 additional minutes of music per day; work up to an hour or more of dance per week.
- Switch. To switch means to do things by hand instead of using a machine. Instead of loading all the dishes in the dishwasher after dinner, take the time to wash them by hand.
- MicroHabit: Add one or two substituted manual tasks per day.
These six categories cover the full range of muscle energy expenditure in your everyday life. By making these small daily choices, you can reach your physical goals and set the stage for exercising at your own pace!