How do you actually want to feel?

How do you actually want to feel?

A few years ago I changed the way I planned my week.

I don't know about you, but I used to write a big long list of all the things I had to do, and then would try desperately throughout the week to try to fit them all in.

This usually meant that by Friday all the quick and easy things on my list would be crossed off (Hello Dopamine hit!) and all the big, move the needle things would still be there for another week (and maybe even after that!)

Then one week I got fed up of feeling totally unproductive...and something inside me clicked.

If I didn't want to feel did I want to feel?

And the word that popped into my head was accomplished.

Like I was achieving something and getting somewhere instead of just treading water.

So, the following Sunday evening as I was thinking about the coming week I asked myself the following questions:

How do I want to feel by Friday?

And...what would I have to do to make me feel that way?

All of a sudden my list, and the way I planned my time changed shape as I actually started prioritising the tasks that would move the needle, I started being a lot more discerning about the things I said yes to, AND I stopped procrastinating altogether....because the question didn't leave my mind.

Is this helping me to feel more accomplished?

If I say yes to this will I feel more accomplished?

If I put this off until tomorrow am I going to feel accomplished?

And low and Friday that's exactly how I felt.

Not only that...the Dopamine hits were off the charts as I was getting things done that actually made a difference!

I've since asked this question:

How do you want to feel?

to hundreds of people that I've worked with, and each person has said something different.

In control




And it totally changes the way you think about your day.

Is this going to help you feel the way you want to?

Maybe your word would be one of these or something completely different...but give it a go and see how it helps you plan your week.

Let me know in the comments

Have a fab week


PS - Ready for the next step?

Here's how we can work together:

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Barbara Nixon is an international Success and Leadership Coach, Speaker, Trainer, and Consultant and is passionate about helping business owners, founders and Leaders remove the blocks that are holding them back and live their fullest potential.

She has been featured in Addicted2Success, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield, and BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, and BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine Show, and is the author of The Boss Hat.

Direct message to find out more about her 1-1 coaching programme, programmes and group coaching days for your team, and her virtual group coaching programmes Elevated Leaders, and Smash Your Own Ceiling.


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