How do we discover our meaning?

How do we discover our meaning?

People have been battling over meaning since the dawn of time. Religious, political systems, philosophies have all formed to give people an explanation regarding the meaning of their lives. People have been sacrificed for it, gone to war over it, made pilgrimages for it, and taken hallucinaogens to find it. The variety of ways people have sought meaning, and the things they've lost in pursuit of it, is mind-boggling.

While each of us can identify something we believe is meaningful, meaning itself has been difficult to pin down. It's different from one culture to another, one neighborhood or family or person to another. It also changes over our lives, through our experiences.

In other words, meaning is a powerful driver for human development and identity, but it's also amorphous, multifarious, and personal. How does an organization incorporate something like that into its business model and how as we as individuals incorporate meaning into our work life?

Excerpt from Meaning At Work and Its Hidden Language, written by Pathways co-founder Danny Gutknecht.

Pathways offers one on one programs for individuals and organizations to uncover their individual and shared meaning. Learn more about our programs HERE.

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