How do we feel about working remotely?
The past two years have been one the breakthroughs, especially in the new working scheme "work from anywhere/remote work". Interesting. Yes, of course. But consciously or unconsciously, a low mood will always approach regardless of time and place.
I tried to ask my friends from various types of industries at startups. The top two things conveyed were closely related to bad work environment vibrations and manager directions.
Sourced from (Feldman Barrett, 2017) in Dr. Julie Smith's book “Why Has Nobody Told me This Before. The meaning of mood comes from separate factors, we must know how to combine them into a simple and easy-to-understand.
The looping concept from Dr. Julie Smith's book was adapted from Gilbert (1997).
Working with remote schemes and rarely meeting in person is a trigger too, everything has its pros and cons. But how do we deal with it? Here are things you can adapt:
Mood fluctuation is totally normal. Isn't it funny when you're happy every day? Many factors influence each other so that the mood appears. Remember we can use so many ways to control and change how we feel. I hope this help.