How do we experience goodness when there is so much badness?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: Scripture tells us that God is "of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look on iniquity". In other words, God does not behold iniquity, that which is bad. So, when our consciousness is awakened to My Kingdom through contemplative meditation, it is too pure to behold anything that is bad and so spiritual consciousness does not have badness to overcome.
This explains that when we "abide in the secret place of the most high", the consciousness of the Presence and Life of God, we experience only goodness because none of the thoughts of the badness of this world can enter into the spiritual consciousness of those who are abiding in My Kingdom. And this really goes way back into the original principle of thought which simply said "there is no unexpressed consciousness".
In other words, "that which we hold in consciousness will externalize itself as our experience and that which we do not hold in consciousness will not externalize itself as our experience". This is why we "stand on holy ground" when we maintain spiritual thinking for then there is Something that comes over us that lives our lives in the same way that the thoughts of our human nature had lived our lives. But now there is no badness to overcome because there is no power to manifest badness.