How Do We Escape The Commoditisation Curse?
When you consider the future growth and development of your business, or even just simply the survival of it, protecting your margins is vital.
Companies today are getting caught up in the commoditisation trap. They are price under-cutting competitors to gain market share, digging into profit margins and allowing their product or services to become commodities, where price determines the decision-making process.
This end result not only damages your profit-and-loss sheet. It also devalues your offering; reducing it to one single defining factor and bringing it on par with your competition in every single other respect. And thus, allowing price to be the only differentiator. Your unique selling points and key attributes, all the things that makes you unique, are lost.
Salespeople are the definitive link between a business and its competitors. Discover how you can build value for your business offerings through your sales team in Pareto Law’s whitepaper - The Commoditisation Curse.
How does your sales team build value and avoid the Commoditisation Curse?