How do we 'drive' engagement

How do we 'drive' engagement

If we want better engagement levels, we need more managers who 'Play well with others'. In fact, I hope that alongside all the other fancy skills on their CVs," Plays well with others" will be something savvy recruiters are looking for in particular.

Why "Plays well with others"

  • "Plays well with others" is a phrase used to describe someone who can work or interact effectively with others.
  • The phrase is often used in the context of children's behaviour in a classroom setting but can also be applied to adults in a professional or social context.
  • "Playing well with others" is considered a desirable trait as it means that the person is able to share, cooperate and collaborate effectively with others, which is an important life skill.
  • In a professional context, this shows that the person is a team player, able to communicate effectively, and able to resolve conflicts.
  • Playing well with others can improve productivity, build trust, and promote a positive working environment.
  • Managers who Play well with others create engagement. It's that simple.

?? See you in the next issue


