HOW DO WE CREATE A HEALTHY WEIGHT? Part 2 of 2, Edition #18
Last week, we discussed YOUR PATH TO A HEALTHY WEIGHT, including:
This week, we begin with WHICH PHASE ARE YOU IN CURRENTLY? and how to create a structural tension chart for weight management.
Overweight or Obese. This is the current state most people find themselves in. If you are like two-thirds of Americans, this is the current starting point for your journey.
Phase I: Weight Loss.
?Phase II: Healthy Weight. The general guidelines for health weight is a body mass index (BMI) of 24.9 and a waist circumference of 32.5 inches for a woman and < 37 inches for a man. Having a healthy fat composition if also important. It is age dependent, but as a general guideline we will want to lower your body fat to less than 25% for women and 18% for men.
As we move into eating healthy for life, we will introduce the second MacroHabit of health: Healthy Eating and Hydration.
?Phase III: Optimization. This is an exciting phase when we will modify our food intake and energy expenditure to optimize our health and wellbeing for age and lifestyle.
Phase IV: Longevity. As a last look in this series of articles, we will explore the things we can do to create Ultrahealth - and potentially live a longer healthier life.
Creating Your First Structural Tension Chart for Weight Management
In an earlier article, we laid out how to create a structural tension chart and went into some detail about the power of this advancing structure in terms of creating a sustainable transformation in our weight and health.
In the desired result space below, write down your healthy weight goal and in the current reality space write down your current weight. You should also put a date when you would like to be at your goal weight (a healthy pace is about 10# / month for women and 15# / month for men.)
You will have many actions and steps that you will add to your secondary choices as you design the series of habits that will support you to reach and optimize your weight management. For now you can see the secondary choices (action steps) in the example as key tactics to create long-term weight management.
As we conclude this discussion, it should be much clearer to you how you can create a healthy weight without going on a diet.
?Three Key Points in Creating a Healthy Weight.?
?Next week, we will start developing secondary choices (Habits of Health) that will be integral in developing mastery of the MacroHabit of Healthy Weight Management. "CREATING A NEW LEPTOGENIC WORLD"
Meanwhile, #stayhealthymyfriends