How do we change our perspective?

How do we change our perspective?

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?? PERSPECTIVE: How do we change our perspective?

Did you know that not one other person on this planet perceives the world the way you do? Yet we are all able to cohabitate, live and even thrive together. No wonder sometimes we experience misunderstandings, however. After all, we don’t see the world the same way. We all have had a different childhood, have gone through different things, and overcome various obstacles. We also have different gifts, talents, skills, values, and ideas about not only what life should be about but about who we are and who other people are.

?? When someone changes perspective, they are essentially quantum leaping. That is, they are experiencing a paradigm shift, which is all about being aware enough and able to change their position as the observer of their reality, to come to different conclusions. So, for example, someone who is feeling annoyed about unexpectedly getting called to work late at night may get very irritated and angry at the night attendant even though that person has done nothing wrong. But should that same person realize that they have a choice to either perceive that situation as something that disrupts their nightly routine, or as an opportunity to do something different that evening than they would normally do, they might actually end up having a very interesting or even life-changing conversation with that person.

What’s amazing about the world, our planet, and the way our universe works is that, for some reason, the way we perceive the world has an enormous impact on how the world looks to us. If we perceive that a lot of people are poor, that nowhere is safe, that we will never have enough money, this is usually what we end up experiencing. Some people ask why happy or positive people are always happy. Well, it’s actually because they choose to be happy no matter what and put on a brave smile even when life gets tough. But more so, happy people actually do see the world in a more positive way, and thus end up finding more things to be grateful for, and thus feel happy about.

?? I believe that our perspective is everything. And I also believe that we have the power to change it. The trick is to first become self-aware and conscious enough that we realize the numerous layers of self-limiting and “false” beliefs that others, including our parents, our teachers, and society in general have imposed on us, and peel them off. We actually have a responsibility to do this and to choose how we decide to see and experience our world.

Many of us want to be healthy, to have a great relationship, to be wealthy, to have a great job we are passionate about, and to be fulfilled and happy. The fastest, surest, and most enjoyable way to get to where you really want to get and to actually get and experience all of these things, is to choose to focus on the good in your life. Just imagine that your eyes and your brain are a camera and that all you need to do is to move it around so that your camera is pointing at something else.

?? Would you rather take a picture of a garbage pile or of a beautiful waterfall? It may sound obvious, but on a day-to-day basis, and when you feel tired, overwhelmed, and overcome with self-doubts, it’s very easy to remember that you are both the camera and the one who holds it. Yet you do.

So if changing perspective is something you want to do, simply make a conscious decision to see life differently. Focus on the aspects of life that you want, not on those that you don’t enjoy and don’t want. Focus on the good and more good will come to you. Be good and more good will come to you. Look for the good, see the good, acknowledge the good, and, after a while, good is the only thing you will see.

Of course, let’s not be delusional here, challenges are an important part of our life and are there to help us grow. But see the silver lining in the lessons the Universe decides to teach you and in what is happening around and within you. Find the strength to carry on and the wisdom to look through different eyes. Open your heart and allow yourself to embrace all aspects of who you are, and of what you’ve been told throughout your entire life, and choose to consciously sort it out so that you end up shaping your life the way you want it to be.

This is how you change perspective. And, what’s amazing about our universe is that when we begin to integrate a new perspective fully, miracles begin to happen!

?? What do you all think? Is that helpful to you? Do you feel you can and want to change perspective now? What does your ideal life look like?

? Do YOU also have a question about quantum manifestation, the Law of Attraction, quantum physics, the Law of Imagination, the Law of Vibration, or is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

>>>> Email it to me at [email protected]!

?Countless blessings your way everyone! ??


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