How Do SMBs Differ When It Comes to Project Management
Welcome back to installment 2 of the #projectmanagement for #smbs newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to subscribe, and I’m really looking forward to having you all share your thoughts and experiences running projects in the SMB space. Please post in the comments below!
This week, we’re laying the foundation for future conversations around what best practice looks like for #SMBprojectmanagement. We will try to highlight how SMB project management might differ from traditional, large scale project management, which is the focus of most project management literature.
It’s worth taking a look at how folks define an SMB. At Tuck, we focus on the 8- to 80-person company, which leans more towards the S vs. the M. Gartner puts companies with <100 and <$50M at small and 100-999 and $50M-$1B at medium. The SBA has different small business definitions based on NAICS code, but in general, they say <500 or <$7.5M. Regardless of how you define an SMB, there’s no question that they have different needs than their multi-billion-dollar counterparts.
The rest of this article lays out 3 key areas:
Purpose of Project Management
Here is a list of common descriptions of the purpose of project management regardless of the size of the organization.
Common Limitations for SMBs in Project Management
Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face many challenges. This is a list of some of the biggest challenges that may impact the scope and delivery style of project management that the organization chooses to deploy.
Common Advantages for SMBs in Project Management
While SMBs are dealing with a large pile of challenges, there are many advantages that SMBs have when delivering projects as well. Here are some of the most common advantages.
I’d love to hear other opinions about limitations or advantages that you are seeing at SMBs whether it’s your company or some of your clients. Again, please post your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!