How to do  Simple reporting with Excel sheets using Apache Spark, Scala ?

How to do Simple reporting with Excel sheets using Apache Spark, Scala ?

Question : Spark data can be published as excel sheet ?

Yes, It can be achived with a simple Spark plugin (crealytics/spark-excel ) for reading/writing Excel files ... A library (which uses Apache POI ) for dealing with Excel files with Apache Spark, for Spark SQL and DataFrames. Kudos for the effort!!!

Lets see small example with spark and scala... I used the examples in the link Credits for the example : Thanks @jaceklaskowski !

I used maven project for this example. with scala 2.11 and spark 2.x versions

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This is the code snippet i used to achieve the report with spark dataframes api

package com.examples

import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

object SparkExcelReport extends App with Logging {
  val logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("org")
  val spark = SparkSession.builder()
    .config("spark.master", "local[*]").getOrCreate()

  import spark.implicits._

  val sales = Seq(
    ("Dallas", 2016, 100d),
    ("Dallas", 2017, 120d),
    ("Sanjose", 2017, 200d),
    ("Plano", 2015, 50d),
    ("Plano", 2016, 50d),
    ("Newyork", 2016, 150d),
    ("Toronto", 2017, 50d)

  ).toDF("city", "year", "saleAmount")

      | rollup multi-dimensional aggregate operator is an extension of groupBy operator
      | that calculates subtotals and a grand total across specified group of n + 1 dimensions
      | (with n being the number of columns as cols and col1 and 1 for where values become null, i.e. undefined).
      | rollup operator is commonly used for analysis over hierarchical data; e.g. total salary by department, division, and company-wide total.
  logInfo("Using Rollup (\"city\", \"year\")")
  val first = sales
    .rollup("city", "year")
    .agg(sum("saleAmount") as "saleAmount")
    .sort($"city".desc_nulls_last, $"year".asc_nulls_last)
    .option("dataAddress", "'RollupCityYear'!A1:F35")
    .option("useHeader", "true")
    .option("dateFormat", "yy-mmm-d")
    .option("timestampFormat", "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    .option("useHeader", "true")
    .option("addColorColumns", "true")
    .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "false")
  logInfo("Using .groupBy(\"city\", \"year\")")

  // The above query is semantically equivalent to the following
  val second = sales
    .groupBy("city", "year") // <-- subtotals (city, year)
    .agg(sum("saleAmount") as "saleAmount")

    .option("dataAddress", "'GroupByCityYearSheet'!A1:F35")
    .option("useHeader", "true")
    .option("dateFormat", "yy-mmm-d")
    .option("timestampFormat", "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    .option("addColorColumns", "true")
    .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "false")
  logInfo("Using group by (\"city\")")

  val third = sales
    .groupBy("city") // <-- subtotals (city)
    .agg(sum("saleAmount") as "saleAmount")
    .select($"city", lit(null) as "year", $"saleAmount") // <-- year is null
    .option("dataAddress", "'GroupByCitySheet'!A1:F35")
    .option("useHeader", "true")
    .option("dateFormat", "yy-mmm-d")
    .option("timestampFormat", "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "false")

  val fourth = sales
    .groupBy() // <-- grand total
    .agg(sum("saleAmount") as "saleAmount")
    .select(lit(null) as "city", lit(null) as "year", $"saleAmount") // <-- city and year are null

    .option("dataAddress", "'groupBySheet'!A1:F35")
    .option("useHeader", "true")
    .option("dateFormat", "yy-mmm-d")
    .option("timestampFormat", "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "false")

  val finalDF = second
    .sort($"city".desc_nulls_last, $"year".asc_nulls_last)

    .option("dataAddress", "'unionSheet'!A1:F35")
    .option("useHeader", "true")
    .option("dateFormat", "yy-mmm-d")
    .option("timestampFormat", "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "false")


Result :

 |-- city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- year: integer (nullable = false)
 |-- saleAmount: double (nullable = false)

2019-08-31 00:48:47 INFO  SparkExcelReport:54 - 

 rollup multi-dimensional aggregate operator is an extension of groupBy operator
 that calculates subtotals and a grand total across specified group of n + 1 dimensions
 (with n being the number of columns as cols and col1 and 1 for where values become null, i.e. undefined).
 rollup operator is commonly used for analysis over hierarchical data; e.g. total salary by department, division, and company-wide total.
2019-08-31 00:48:47 INFO  SparkExcelReport:54 - Using Rollup ("city", "year")
|   city|year|saleAmount|
|Toronto|2017|      50.0|
|Toronto|null|      50.0|
|Sanjose|2017|     200.0|
|Sanjose|null|     200.0|
|  Plano|2015|      50.0|
|  Plano|2016|      50.0|
|  Plano|null|     100.0|
|Newyork|2016|     150.0|
|Newyork|null|     150.0|
| Dallas|2016|     100.0|
| Dallas|2017|     120.0|
| Dallas|null|     220.0|
|   null|null|     720.0|

2019-08-31 00:48:55 INFO  SparkExcelReport:54 - Using .groupBy("city", "year")
|   city|year|saleAmount|
|Toronto|2017|      50.0|
|Sanjose|2017|     200.0|
| Dallas|2017|     120.0|
|  Plano|2015|      50.0|
|Newyork|2016|     150.0|
| Dallas|2016|     100.0|
|  Plano|2016|      50.0|

2019-08-31 00:48:57 INFO  SparkExcelReport:54 - Using group by ("city")
|   city|year|saleAmount|
| Dallas|null|     220.0|
|  Plano|null|     100.0|
|Newyork|null|     150.0|
|Toronto|null|      50.0|
|Sanjose|null|     200.0|

|null|null|     720.0|

|   city|year|saleAmount|
|Toronto|2017|      50.0|
|Toronto|null|      50.0|
|Sanjose|2017|     200.0|
|Sanjose|null|     200.0|
|  Plano|2015|      50.0|
|  Plano|2016|      50.0|
|  Plano|null|     100.0|
|Newyork|2016|     150.0|
|Newyork|null|     150.0|
| Dallas|2016|     100.0|
| Dallas|2017|     120.0|
| Dallas|null|     220.0|
|   null|null|     720.0|

Finally Excel sheet generated like these screen shots...

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Conclusion : Finally we have genearted our excel reports. This approach is very good for applications which are looking for reports instantly.

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