By Muhammad Awais


My previous blog was all about “the Beginners Guide for Real Estate” .In this blog, I will discuss, ‘how we start sales in real estate? We all know, real estate is one of the most lucrative businesses in Pakistan. It’s not only a secure option but highly rewarding investment as well.


There are many ways to do sales in real estate but here I am explaining some of the most productive ways to do sales in real estate which was a part of my experience in last 10 years in the market of Pakistan. There are four major types of selling real estate.

? Friends and Family (F n F) Circle:

The very first mistake, which usually every BDO or Sales Executive used to make, is that they don’t used to tell their family and friends about their real estate business. Later on, they observe that their friends and family are purchasing different real estate products from the market and are investing millions outside. So the first thing, we can do to start our sales is that we can get our friends and family acknowledged by our real estate product. There are more chances that our family and friends will buy and invest with us because their trust level seems stronger than that of a stranger in an open market.

? Telesales:

The second most powerful type of selling a real estate property is Telesales. It also plays an important role in real estate sale procedures.?


Before explaining Telesales, I would like to elaborate the point that ‘how we can make call as it is the main element of Telesales Communication. So for calling, every sales executive should be getting this in the mind that no one is going to purchase anything from him on the spot. As it is a matter of amounts lifelong saved by the people, which are actually in millions.

Script Writing:

After calling, the next step I would like to elaborate is the script writing. You need to customize a script for yourself which should not be more than 30 to 50 seconds. If it’ll be longer than the provided time, there are more chances that the customer will get bored and hang up your call easily. The script should consist of your professional reference which includes your name with your designation at the company and a request to schedule a meeting. You can also add up some information later in accordance to the client’s queries. If you are observing that the customer is not providing you his willing time to go for the meeting, then go ahead and schedule a perfect time for him according to his routine as there should be no option left for the client to deny.

No’s of Meetings:

Keeping this in mind,” the number of sales directly depends upon the number of meetings”. As, If you are provided with 100 leads. There are 90% chances that you are going to get 10 meetings from those 100 contacts and at least 1 sale from those 10 meetings. Make sure, you are calling the customer to arrange a meeting. Now-a-days, not every person is free enough to listen to long product details.?

Follow -Ups:

Follow up is the key to fortune as it increases the chances of meetings. Follow-Ups are necessary as you can increase your talk time with the customer while he/she recognizes his/her connection with you from the introductory call. There are some rules to take follow-ups, which majorly include the duration of follow-up. The follow-up duration should not be more or less than 2 days. Let’s suppose, the customer has provided you his suitable time. It would be great, if you will contact him exactly on his desired time. Now, the upcoming question is, “How many times you should take follow-ups from one client?” Taking follow-ups for three to four times is enough for one client’ is a mature answer for this question. Keep it in mind that if you are taking proper follow-ups from a client, there are 99.9% chances that you are going to get an exciting sale soon.

? Realtors/Brokers:

The next focused point should be catching the active market realtors/brokers. There are some points, which will help us, find out the right broker/realtor for our team.?

You have to measure the reputation capability of a realtor or broker by keeping it in mind that he should be able to sell your product. Also, you can judge a realtor/broker by his connections in the market or his PR. Note that every realtor/broker always has 2 to 3 investors in hand.?

When you feel that you got a perfect realtor, the second step you should be following is to present him your product and offer him the maximum rebate as it will make him work for you eagerly, which will later on, make it an ease for you to let him join you as a team member. You can also invite them at your company events like Hi-teas or dinners etc, which will help you a lot in getting a strong connection with your realtors/brokers. Brokers/Realtor works as assets for a company.?

? Product Information:

Make sure, when you are talking to the customer you should not discuss your product for so long. The major part of your discussion should consist of profits for the investment. As you know the investor is only willing to listen your project details to consider his/her post- investment profit. This is a big reason, why you should say no to long project details as the investor will lose his interest more easily.?

? Online Selling:

The most productive way to sell a real estate property is to sell it online. The best example for this is using digital media i.e. Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin.

Joining real estate group with strong profile in these platforms will help you being updated with the current market and also the know how about the prices and recent floatations..

Meanwhile, you can also research on highly rated products on different real estate portals or platforms like Pak Wheel or Where you can target demanding entities and make them your client by offering your product. This is how, you are going to make personal data for yourself which will bring you better rebate on every sale done by this.


After a long discussion about the possible best ways for selling real estate, I would like to recommend that every person working in real estate should build his team outside the office.The best team considerations should be of different company’s Chief Executive Officers, Directors or Heads which will help boost your sales.


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