How Do Refrigerants Affect Global Warming?

How Do Refrigerants Affect Global Warming?

Air conditioners are important in our daily lives, as they keep us cool and enhance our comfort. However, did you know that the refrigerant systems in air conditioners can cause global warming? ?

Q. What is the impact of refrigerants on global warming?

The sun's light energy is partly absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and surface, turning into heat. Some of this heat escapes back into space, but greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide trap some of it, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. This phenomenon is called global warming. Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the Earth’s temperature, primarily driven by substances like chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), high carbon dioxide levels, and various pollutants. Freon gas was commonly used in refrigerators and air conditioners in the past. However, it contains gases that can damage the ozone layer and contribute to global warming. Alternatives to CFCs and HCFCs have also been discovered to have an impact on global warming. Therefore, the European Commission reviewed the 2014 F-gas Regulation and proposed a more stringent regulation to phase out HFCs by 2050 in April 2022. Building on the achievements of its predecessor, the F-gas Regulation (EU) 2024/573 was adopted in February 2024 and took effect in March 2024.[i]

[i] Hoekstra, W. (n.d.). EU-Rules - fluorinated greenhouse gases. Climate Action.

Q. What is Global Warming Potential (GWP)?

GWP allows for the comparison of the impacts of different gases on global warming. The standard time frame for GWPs is typically 100 years; however, for gases with shorter lifespans, a 20-year period is sometimes used. GWP measures how much heat a gas traps compared to carbon dioxide over a certain time period. Essentially, a higher GWP means a greater warming effect on the Earth.

Q. What are the safety classifications of refrigerants?

Industry professionals must understand refrigerant safety to comply with regulations and ensure proper and safe usage. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 34, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants, assigns numbers and safety qualifications to refrigerants based on their toxicity and flammability. These designations consist of a letter (A or B) indicating the toxicity level, followed by a number indicating the flammability level.

Q. What has changed based on the revised GWP Regulations?

Now that people are more aware of environmental issues, the regulation of refrigerant usage has tightened. Especially in European countries, most refrigerants are not allowed except for R290. The revised regulations aim to decrease the usage of Freon gases and also introduce less harmful alternatives. For example, there is a prohibition on refrigeration with a GWP of 150 or more for All-in-One AC/HP with a capacity of 12kW and below, as well as a prohibition on refrigerants with a GWP of 750 or more for split systems that exceed 12kW, along with additional revised regulations.[i]


In conclusion, the widespread use of air conditioning systems has significantly improved indoor comfort but has also raised concerns about the surroundings due to the greenhouse gases used as refrigerants. To address this issue, regulations have been implemented to restrict the use of high-GWP refrigerants. LG Component Division has also developed compressors that are compatible with low-GWP refrigerants, such as R290.

To read and understand more about the European refrigeration regulations, please click on this link:

[i] ANNEXES to the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases, amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, (ANNEX IV, p. 10)


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