How do philosophers handle rejection from graduate programs/jobs?

How do philosophers handle rejection from graduate programs/jobs?


Most of them were already working in blue collar jobs that paid more than their university gig.

Since 1968, professional academics have become progressively irrelevant because of the liberal cultural wars victory. The total intellectual capitulation of the establishment academe to the Free Market blackmail and bribery of the post-modern dialectical Marxism of Trotsky’s insurgency process arising from the embrace of Heidegger in rejection of Hegel. Heidegger was trying to deny Hegel by confirming the Nazi racial theories to keep his job and head. Heidegger had tenure in an academic culture that has been re-created at the University of Chicago.

What I don’t know is if the University of Chicago was always a refuge for American First anti-democratic Fascists like the University of Berlin when Kurt Lewin lost his position for being Jewish. Lewin was clearly validated in the Hegel aspect of his leading edge performance technology by Heidegger’s Time and Being. When Heidegger and Hesserl turnned towards linguistics and cognitive structues, the only thing that stood between Heidegger and Hegel was the universal lack of language for discussing group dynamics. Chaos theory. It has always been there, but Reason can’t cope with it, It can very relibably identify it, but haw do you explain how to hit a sliding curve ball with nothing more than a flick of the wrists? Reason can provide very precise language for the empirical evidence for what is going on in that chaotic field where cowhide and ash achieve the point of departure for a perfect vector into the cheap seats in center fired. If you don’t masturbate, PornHub doesn’t make any sense. This is the paradox of the Categorical Imperative, the parados of the necessary relationship between the irrational and rationaon as a Rational Function of the human psyche.

This is the importance of the Pucker Factor for the Stardship Trooper, who is totally wired into Kant and Hegel. It’s one of the things that happen in Ranger School. Which completely engaged my liberal education as a force multiplier. It all came completely into focus in combat in Vietnam. Epistemology as a leadership tool.

I’ve always known that Marx didn’t understand Hegel, the fallacy of the stand-alone contrary The purpose of the Hegelian dialectic is to resolve Chaos into Paradox. What are the elements of the chaotic field. You are working with the elements of a chaotic field when you do a Venn Diagram In terms of mathematics, Topology is the mathematics of the human unconscious. This is undoubtedly true of all animals and mammals, in particular.

Paradox is a SEMMING contraction. This is the essence of understatement as an accurate definition. Paradox is a necessary dynamical relationship between complementary values. YinYan is a chaotic field composed of two active elements in dynamical poise. It’s a Zen thing,: when you interrupt that poise, the dynamics cease. The flame at the end of a kitchen match is a chaotic field, composed of the elements of heat, fuels and oxygen. Oxygen ,is both a fuel and the breath of life. of fire, all in dynamical poise. It consumes its fuel as it burns down, You cool it below combustion when you blow on it and, if you squeeze it with your fingers, you remove the breath of life.

Neither Marx nor Heidegger understood the YinYan of Hegel dialectical synthesis. Aristotle had been rubbing against chaos with his Golden Mean and, by 1943, Heidegger had evloved his Dasein from Being to, basically, Aristotle’s Golder Mean. Which, of course, describes the defining paradox of the Categorical Imperative. If you calibrate your Pucker Factor by skydiving, you are totally wired into Kant when you pack your parachute and Hegel when you leave the airplane on the basis that the process theology of the parachute continues to respect the law of averages.

Before 1968, the American University system was divided between the philosophy of Kant and Hegel and the Fascism of Kant and Heidegger.. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig indicates to me that the University of Chicago reflected the Commercial Fascism of Chicago. I went to Indiana University before 1968 and it started out as a Kant and Hegel transcendentalist tradition. Most of Indiana was farm and family and light industrial at the time and Earl Butz’s AgriBusiness Family Farm model came right off the Indiana prairie. Plus, I’m an Army brat and I assumed everybody was Kant and Hegel. The University of Chicago Professor clearing reflects Heidegger’s linguistic dislocation which Hesserl had awakened in Epistemology.

Kurt Lewin stumbled over Group Dynamics looking for something else. He introduced chaos into sociologyu and the US Army created the Ranger School to introduce a small unit leadership model based on chaos that the German military organization had probably been using since von Moltke the Elder was Chief of Staff. The Romans used a similar organization and leadership model in the training and battle drill of the legions. Kurt Lewin gave it the name Heidegger had been looking for in his later iterations of Dasein. The things is, the University of Chicago didn’t get the memo, Nor did Harvard. And, after 1968, the entire American academe adopted Kant-Heidegger as revealed wisdom.

And, or course, the sedition of the Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society leads directly to Newt Gingrich and the January 6 violent coup attempt.

Now, the question is, if philosophers like Noam Chomsky were not tied up in knots by the mental gymnastics required to accommodate Heidegger’s accommodation of the Nazi racisl theories, it would be understandable why the treachery of the Fascism of the John Birch Society dominating the campus Political Correctness debate has gone unnoticed unti Trump tried to run America like the Taj Mahal.

I am not a philosopher. Philosophers have doubt about God. I don’t . I have the same relationship to God that Job had. I do not share Job’s righteousness but I know what it’s like to quake in fear before The ONE. It is very unpleasant. It bfeaks God’s heart that He is so Awesome, but it comes with the paycheck. I don’t know who it all got started, but the ontology of the Hebrew scriptures and the Gospels I’ve described is how human psychology has evolved to accommodate a working relationship with the mind of The One. I have a working relationship with the Holy Spirit and taht’s what Jesus recommends.

I think that the Parable of the Cave describes a moment in human psychology wgeb ut begins to assemble what has become the ontology of Jesus and Cornelius, The shared a common experience of Duty and Yaweh, Queen of Battle. Socrates anchors democracy eternally in the secular rule of law with his embrace of civic duty symbolized by the cup of hemlock. Jesus nails Duty as a response to Yaweh, Queen of Battle, to the cross of the secular rule of law with His flesh and blood. As a centurion, Cornelius is a creature of the Roman secular rule of law.

I think that the shadow play in the Parable of the Cave is a racial memory of the moment when the shadow of the earth on the moon, which looks exactly like the shadows from the fire on the wall of the care created Philosophy distinct for the epistemology of celestial navigation. It is the moment of the Obelisk in 2001:A Space Odyssey.

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Newton’s calculus isolated chaos but it couldn’t get inside Chaos exists just beyond the leading edge of Reason. Hume anchors his theory of perception by the paradox of evidence existing in both the noumenal existence and phenomenal reality at the same time. Paradox occurs where metaphor otherwise fails, Heidegger makes the transparent connection between the Categorical Imperative of the surfer and the Hegelian progression of the Banzai Pipeline and Kurt Lewin provides the mathematics that explains why.

As for philosophers, you will find them where they always hang out: driving cabs or cutting stone in Indiana quarries or working the swing shift at Tastee Diner. The Universities gave up Philosophy in 1968 for student loans and adult education.

It is useful to remember that, in the final analysis, Vietnam came down to a contest between Marxism and the Harvard MBA program and Marxism won. Which is why all the Marxist professors became cab drivers by the end of the 70s.


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