How do others perceive you?
Samin Sohail
Wavetec | Unilever FinAcademy 2022 | Pakistan Petroleum Limited | KTDMC | Head of Creative Department DIS | IoBM'22
Physical appearance in this modern world has become one of the most significant factors you notice about someone. This includes their facial features, body type and most importantly how they dress. Research claims that the first thing anyone would notice about you is your shoes, but why would someone notice your shoes in the first place? Well it turns out that in social as well as corporate setting; your shoes tell the other person the background you belong to. They would perceive your class and status based on the impression your shoes made.
Similarly, attire has become another significant factor when it comes to perceiving and judging others. Someone with a formal attire would be perceived as well educated and from an elite class while a person dressed modestly is perceived as conservative or from middle class. These things have been incorporated in our culture so deep that it has not become impossible to remove the perception attached with physical appearance.