How to do Leadership Right
Brent Pulsipher
Change Driver, building the right Culture. --------------------------------An innovation-driven leader with demonstrated expertise in IT infrastructure, data center operations, and team leadership.
Performance Management
Performance management is the tool of the manager.?? It isn’t a time or a place, or a form, it’s the feedback you should be giving your folks daily, weekly, in each interaction.? Someone once told me, “A review should be just that, a review.? If you are giving any information that’s a surprise, you’re doing it wrong.”? One of the big reasons why reviews are dreaded by so many managers and employees alike, is that they are not a review of previously discussed information.? It’s a time to give feedback and say things you haven’t been saying.? This goes for the employee as well.? An employee should be giving feedback and thoughts to their manager on a continual basis.? It’s a lot easier and a lot more common if the manager has already setup an environment of continual open feedback.?
We all know that we should be giving employees feedback constantly, but why don’t many people?? There is not a single answer or solution to that one, but generally I tend to think people avoid it because they don’t know how to deliver it.? Maybe they can get their point across but the collateral damage it causes from their delivery makes it something they want to avoid.? That is definition of- ‘you need to get good at it, not run away from it.’? Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an abundance of instruction on that subject, and to me, its one of the most important tools a manager has.?
What type of communication skills are important to a manager?? Your mileage may vary but I think all managers will benefit from having the skills of: -Effective delivery of feedback (both reinforcement and redirect). -Diffusing bad conflict -Communicating the vision, the direction -Speaking in a way that supports the culture you are building
When you feel confident in your communication, when you feel you can control and direct a conversation, many things will seem easier.? The improvement feedback you want to deliver to a few folks, will not seem difficult, you will not be apprehensive.?? If it is poorly received, you can easily diffuse the situation and get it back on track.? It’s hard when you are not good at it.? It’s easy when you are good at it.? Since conversation is such a focal point of the manager, you should really get good at it.? It will make your job easier.
The Leadership List
And please remember the Leaders list.
1. We will do great work.
2. We will be proud of our work.
3. We will expect others to do the same.
4. We will be humble.
5. We will help others.
6. We will let others help us.
7. We work to continually get better.