How Do Landfills Work?
There are multiple types of landfills—some are dedicated to hazardous waste, others industrial waste, though the most common form are municipal solid waste landfills (MSWLFs) and are discussed in this article. These landfills are specifically designed for household garbage and nonhazardous solid waste, and garbage trucks are usually the ones who collect and deliver waste to landfills, dumping the trash in cells.
Landfills are constructed with a liner system to prevent waste from contaminating the nearby environment and groundwater. There are multiple layers that make up the foundation of a landfill, complete with secondary containment, a top, and drainage layers to collect leachate. Leachate is a byproduct that is high in strength and toxicity, and if it leaks, can contaminate subsurface and surface waters. Landfills also possess a gas collection system, capturing both methane and carbon dioxide. This gas then may be burnt off in a flare, may be reused for electricity, or converted and sold as natural gas.
Michigan, out of all 50 states, has the most waste in landfills and is among the top 10 in methane pollution. Earlier this year, a landfill facility run by St. Clair County tried an experiment to create more room for all its trash by creating a bioreactor: the county sprayed septic tank waste on top of the garbage so it could rot faster. As a result, this landfill produced an extreme amount of gas that was not sufficiently captured, causing odor complaints and health and safety risks for residents.
Clearly, we need to start changing our mindset and consumer habits in order to achieve cleaner air, water, and soil. The single most common material interred in landfills is food waste, which is a significant contributor to methane creation-- we need to take a page from Season 9 of MasterChef and learn how to utilize food scraps! Sorting trash and composting are also vital habits to start cultivating in order to alleviate the strain on landfills. If you are unsure where to start, EGLE's chart at the top of the page indicates methods of managing materials, and next week's article will provide an in-depth look at recycling.