How Do I Use PowerPoint for Video Ads with Simple Text Animations
How Do I Use PowerPoint for Video Ads with Simple Text Animations [ISSUE #28]

How Do I Use PowerPoint for Video Ads with Simple Text Animations

Suppose you want a simple video ad with animated text message. And you want to design this rather easily because you've other things to attend to.

This is a dilemma faced by busy executives that want to avoid wasting time and efforts, yet achieve the purpose.

The trouble is, many of them are not designers. Worse, many are not storytellers.

It's not their folly, it's just that they haven't quite mastered the art of communication in a simple way.

After all, it's not their job you see!

So what's the solution?

Well, the answer is not far-fetching. It's right there on your computer to make use of. It's a tool you're sooo familiar with.

It's called PowerPoint.

In this article, you're gonna see no presentation, but a nicely animated set of 3 groups of texts.

They are:

  • Replace texts
  • To Create Your
  • PowerPoint Video.

Here's how the resultant GIF might look like (see below). It's not only lightweight (1.34 MB, 480p), it's easy to send via email or through other internal channels.
Simple Video Ad with Text Animations in PowerPoint

If you make this animation, you will of course use your ad copy, change the colors, fonts, their size, order of appearance, and perhaps even animations.

Like it? Have it too.

To get this PowerPoint template FREE, click here . No opt-in, no email??.

How do I design it?

The short video illustrated below shows the animations and transitions used for the text blocks in the slides to make them work.

A few of points to remember:

  • The 1st slide shows horizontal animation of the texts, followed by
  • vertical animation of the same set of texts in the 2nd slide, and finally
  • the 3rd slide is a dummy as it only returns to the status-quo of the 1st slide, so that the cycle of animation can easily repeat as shown in the GIF above.

Here's the video.


You might feel I've made the whole thing sound simple in this article.

Simple it is in fact, though it may seem daunting at first!

The 2 key takeaways in this article are -

  • the importance of ad copy that conveys something meaningful to your target audience, and then of course
  • animating them sequentially, so that the ad meets your purpose.

Rather nicely, if you ask me!

What do you say?

Just to remind you, you can download this template for free .


For cool tips on video ads design, don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter, Last Moment Ad Design < 20 Min .

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