How do I start my mobile application?
We all have tons of mobile application ideas to launch. How can you be sure your idea may succeed on the market? The answer is: MVP.
Launching a MVP is an important and first step for an entrepreneur to validate its assumptions and the traction of its business model.
Let’s have a look to all the quick phase you can implement to test your market and then launch your MVP successfully.
1) Validate the problem - Seek feedback
Does the problem exist for a certain group?
Listen to what your potential user says about your idea. Go out of the box and meet a lot of different people from different area with diverse situation that face the problem you want to solve.
Besides, compare what the competitors do and how they proceed with their solutions.
2) Let your audience express their needs
What does your user wants?
That is the most useful question you have to ask. You can learn from your audience experience and their needs at the early stage of your development.
For instance, Facebook allows you to create an audience which could be interested to buy/use your mobile application. Ask questions and let your fans answer.
It will save you a ton of time and messy product decisions. Plus, they will feel implicate in your product.
3) Use of Growth Hacking
Growth Hacking technics give you the opportunity to know your audience preferences and it will give you the most effective ways to grow your business.
For example, create non-functional links and let the user clicks on different options present in your landing page. They will reach a similar message to “the feature is coming soon”.
This way, you can then know the potential popularity and which marketing technics work the best.
4) Keep simple
Don’t mess around in adding extra functionalities of your MVP. Be focus on the core features of your product. Start with a straightforward mobile application which can simply show the solution that you deliver.
As soon as you see tractions after your launch, you can build extra functionalities and adopt some pivots based on market driven evidence.
Fail fast, Fail cheap
Remember that an idea is worth nothing compare to the execution.
Profiting from our experience in the mobile application field through lean Startup development, GEM can help you to develop your MVP in a month. Then, we will examine together the feedbacks and opting for the best options to implement in order to improve the quality of the app. We support you along the process and we ensure you the app reach the objectives you want to achieve.
GEM converts your idea into a product.
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