My vision of the interaction between design and site management teams in the next years

My vision of the interaction between design and site management teams in the next years

The data from the BIM model will be transferred into a geospatial total station with 3D laser projection capabilities and then:

- first a laser projection will mark the position of the concrete elements to enable the iron workers to properly install the rebars and any other imbedded elements like pipes, cables or even RFID tags that will certify the conformity of each element by an authorized verifier with his unique trackable ID.

- than with a smart formwork system with built-in geospatial sensors the formworkers will easily install the formworks avoiding any major problem that may appear due to an improper installation, as the smart formwork system will be able with its geospatial sensors to notify the workers when the formwork element is on its exact position within millimeters and if the formwork system will have RFID tags imbedded, the workers will be able to know at any moment the status and location of each element and be able to install it to its exact position, to match the formwork layout, calculated and supplied by the formwork system expert, avoiding any mismatching that could lead to a risky situation.

- after the formwork removal, the M&E equipment and distribution will be projected into the real world, on site level by level and shaft by shaft, to reach the next level of clash detection on-site, which will enable the bidirectional interaction between the site management and design team, always leading to the best and viable value engineering solutions for the real benefit of the projects and their end-users.

How do you think the future will look like in the AEC environment?


