How do I remove credit disputes and why does it matter?
Credit disputes are always important to remove, when you are preparing to apply for a mortgage. This is a tip that often goes unmentioned, until your mortgage broker or loan officer catches it - or worse yet - once your loan makes it to the underwriter's desk.
Why does this matter? To put it plainly an account in a disputed status is not affecting or being included in your credit score. That can mean that a negative account being removed from a disputed status will in fact drop your credit score. Not good news, but, important to contend with that up front, not once you are under contract and in love with your dream home. Removing disputes also have the potential to improve your credit score depending on the details of the account in question.
Here are some links to help you remove credit disputes if you are ready to get pre-qualified to buy a home, you will also find a quick 3 minute video explaining how Movement Mortgage strives to be an element of change in the mortgage industry.