How do I pick a print style?
Today I would like to break down a very common question that is always asked. What type of ink should I use for my screen printed project?
Ink definition in non-scientific form.
Plastisol: Commonly known as Athletic ink is a PVC based system that bonds to the top of the fabric. Plastisols are widely used if the fabric is made up of any blends. Plastisol inks are very vibrant in color and if properly cured extremely durable. Plastisol will leave a hand on the garment so we suggest printing a smaller image. High color / block graphic plastisol prints never feel soft.
Water Base: water base ink penetrates the fabric to create a soft vintage print. Water base is best used on light colored garments that the majority makeup is cotton.
Discharge: Discharge ink simply is water base but with an agent added to remove the pigment currently inside the garment (black shirt) and replace with a new pigment. Think the same way bleach works. Discharge is used on dark garments with a majority cotton makeup. Look out for turquoise and purple garments as well as pieces that have been over dyed which means the garment was yellow and was then dyed black later.
Before we choose an ink we must gather a bit of information........
- What material are we printing on? Discharge only dyes cotton so if the make up of the garment is less than 100% cotton the discharge will only dye the percentage that is cotton. If the material is a blend say 80% cotton and 20% polyester the look can be quite favorable if the desired outcome is a very vintage washed out look that will continue to fade with washes. We never suggest discharge on anything under 50% cotton.
- Are we printing over any seams? Whenever printing over seams discharge or water base is definitely a better choice. The thin ink has the ability using the right pressure settings to slide nicely right into the crevices of the seam.
- What is the goal of the end result? If the final product is supposed to be a vibrant heavy opaque print the choice is always plastisol. If we want a vintage soft print choose water base or discharge for blacks. Another option that is a "Go To" for CS screen printers is our Premium Hybrid print style. In this process we use a discharge under base with soft vibrant plastisol top colors to produce a very soft hand yet nice vibrant colors.