How do I live out work-faith integration?
If you’re striving for work-life balance you can forget about work-faith integration. Balance gives you a semblance of control as you allocate time, attention and money to different buckets. Integration causes you to dismantle control and enter a world of Spirit-led fluidity, but with order. Integration embraces the mystery and sacrifices the formulae. There is structure without stricture.
We cannot achieve integration if we hold some things to be spiritual and others practical, some sacred and some secular. On the journey to work-faith integration, we must slay the Dragon of Dichotomy. Work-life integration requires that we dust off the foundational truth that everything is from and for God. As Abraham Kuijper said, “Oh, no single piece of our mental world is to be hermetically sealed off from the rest, and there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’”
Once the foundation has been reset then the work begins to retrieve our Genesis 1 mandate—our first commission—and extrapolate that into the operations of our daily business. We must recast the “great commission” to infuse disciple-making into core business processes and rescue it from being a church or marketplace program. Work-faith may be discussed on a Sunday morning or Wednesday night, but it is lived out at work. The marketplace becomes a space where faith is exercised readily and regularly, where work is worship, where business is ministry, and where our occupation becomes our vocation.
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