How do I know if this employer is right for me?
Getting a job is not just about the role. It’s about the people- the employer...On average, the normal person spends over 90,000 hours of their lives working. This is A LOT of your life; you should really make sure that you are working for an organization that is the right fit for you. Here are some ways to make sure that you are working at, or looking for a job with, the right company!
This is one straightforward way to tell if you are working where you should be. If you are absolutely dreading going to work every day, that is a big sign you probably are not where you should be.
Also keep in mind that not every day will be great, we can all get into a funk from time to time, but if most of the time you are getting anxious/ feeling full of dread when going to work you are most likely not working for the right company (for you).
2. Do your values align?
If you are working for a company that does not align with what you are passionate about, you most likely will not enjoy your time there.
For example, if you were working at a dog grooming facility and were very passionate about dogs, then your coworkers are also probably passionate about that as well- it helps to surround yourself with like people, making your experience much more enjoyable!
3. Are you being treated like a number or a person?
It can be very easy, for employers to get consumed with the daily operations and not consider that each one of their employees is valuable and has a life outside of work.
Everyone has different standards for themselves in terms of work and personal life. Some people want to get really personal at work and want their bosses or supervisors to be aware of what is going on in the lives. Some people just want to do the job and leave. What is important to you?
4. Are you there to grow?
Does your company focus on growth within the workplace? Or will you be in your same position forever? Some people are content staying in the same position indefinitely. Some people would rather move up and continue building their toolbox of skills.
Some companies offer financial assistance for further education. If continued education is something that would interest you, find a company that makes that type of commitment.
5. For some, this is what working for the “right” company for them looks like:
A. A company that prioritizes the “open door” policy.
B. A company where leadership isn’t just a title, but an action.
C. A company that realizes their employees have a life outside of work and recognize flexibility, if possible, for picking up kids from school or going to a doctor's appointment during the typical workday.
D. A company that is supportive & family oriented.
E. A company that encourages further education.
No one will ever be able to tell you if you are with the “right” company for you. Hopefully, these questions have made you think about what is important to you in your life, in your career and ultimately in the company that you will work for.
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