How do I get less scared of death? How do I stop letting these thoughts of death consume me?
don carpenter
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Answer: Death is not the end of Life. The fear of death is removed when you know the truth that nothing, including the belief in death, can separate you from the infinite Life and Love of God. Someday death, or the belief in death, will have to be met and you can meet it here and now by knowing this truth. First of all, death has never separated anyone from the Love of God because we have no life of our own to die. There is only one life and that Life is the Life of God.
Remember this: There is no death in the kingdom of God and that is why Jesus tells us to seek first that inner kingdom, the consciousness of God, and then Life, the absence of death, will follow. And so it is that the fear of death is generated by the false belief that we have a life of our own and so we are fearing the end of a life that has no real existence. It is in the conscious oneness of God that we realize we can never be separated from Life because the only place we can exist is in that Life.