How do I figure out my APR on my credit card?
How do I figure out my APR on my credit card?
I have a credit card and forgot wha tthe APR was, THe balance is 3729 with a limit of 7000. the minimum payment is 108. Can anyone help me out?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
Will auto loan with co-signer help establish my credit?
I am trying to buy a car and build credit at the same time. I have almost a years worth of credit history specifically credit cards and charge cards. I have good scores, but limited history. I have been turned down applying for the loan by myself. I would like to cosign with a parent. Two questions. First, I was told that even if my parents scores are not the best, or even good, they have history. I do not have much history, but have good scores. And so, I was told that this would essentially be a match and I'd have a good chance of getting the loan. The second question is, if I were to get a loan with a co-signer in my parents, that it would primarily be in their name, building or hurting their credit? If they co-sign with me, and I make the payments, it will or will not affect my credit? I have a specific car in mind and the pricing online is attractive opposed to working with dealerships that have less then desirable cars that will work with no/bad credit for high interest rates.TIA"
Auto loans during economic crisis?
is it beginning to become more difficult for people to obtain auto financing or just home loans
How do I get out from under a mobile home loan?
I have a manufactured home in a park with rental lots. The lot rents have increased to nearly double what they were when I bought the home four years ago. Coupled with the payment on the home I am so upside down I cannot live there. I have been renting it out but now even the renters cant pay the rent. I have been eating some of the increases but cannot do so any more. I contacted the finance company and they said they would refinance for 3k. I told them if the interest was not lowered I could not pay and they would then have to take the mfgd home back. They laughed and said it was my problem. What position can I take to force the finance company to renegotiate the interest on the loan, currently at 12%. Is there any way for force the mobile home park to hold the increases. The place is now a dump and absentee owners will not make any improvements that would make the cost worth the effort."
What are some good websites to apply for an auto loan and its legit?
What are some good websites to apply for an auto loan and its legit?
Where can I get an emergency loan with bad credit?
I Was Wrongfully Put Into Evictions By My New Apartment Manager...Me And My Wife Are Short $450 Dollars....We Have Exhausted All Options.The Thing Is I Have Really Bad Credit Is There Anyway Anyone Knows How To Get Help...We Have Already Received A Payday Loan And We Are Still Short $450.....We Have Until 6:00 Tommorrow (9/28/2007) To Turn It In Or We WIll Be Homeless...Please Anybody With Some Advise Please Please Help! We Tried A Loan And Nothing Has Worked..What Can We Do...We Have Asked Our Church As Well As Others, Family Has Helped A Bit But We Are Still Are Still In The Hole......Please Help!"
Any good personal loan companies out there for non homeowners (not payday loans)?
looking to borrow about $9000...but finding trawling the internet terrible! Don't have a high credit score though. Please no silly answers...
How do i file for bankruptcy?
How do i file for bankruptcy?
What is the best way to bring up your credit score?
What is the best way to bring up your credit score?
How many home equity loans?
I just bought an house with the home equity loan on my primary residence i was wondering if i could get another home equity loan this time on my investment property, and on, and on .... Or is the average citizen restricted at some points? when they look at your income do they take in consideration the rental income as well? thanks"
Where is a legit site that can help me get a car loan with bad credit/beginning credit?
what sites are actually legit and not spam?
What bad credit do i have?
What bad credit do i have?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is a 4.69% APR interest rate on an auto loan good or bad?
I was recently approved for a 48 to 60 month auto loan with 4.69% APR on a 2011 model or newer. They told me that the APR was based on my current credit profile. I don't know what my current credit score is but I think it is average. I have 2 credit cards and a student loan which I pay on time every month. I plan on buying a basic Subaru Forester with no added features as all I can afford with interest rate and tax is $25,000. I would like to know if I am getting a good deal or if I should walk away from this offer. I am in need of a new car since my current car (2001 Jetta) is starting to need a lot repairs and my work requires driving. I also just had a second child and need extra space. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!"
Where can I get a free credit report?
I have no credit but, I want to see if my credit is clean....there are a lot of identity theft around here so I want to check and see."
Do student loans look good when applying for a mortgage?
I have $30,000 in student loans, and will be looking to buy a house in the next 2 years. If I'm making $45,000 a year and making minimum payments on the loan, will that look good when I apply?"
Could you pay 500 dollars to fix your credit?
I'm having a little debate here with my father-in-law who is a little cooky and believes he can pay a lawyer 500 dollars and the lawyer will be able to raise his credit score from 500 to 710. I'm tellin him not to get involved because it is most likely a rip off or some sort of fraud that he REALLY does not want to get mixed up in. Could anyone tell me if what he is saying is possible and if so, why EVERYONE isnt doing this? Thanks!"
Which free credit site is actually free?
Im looking for a site that offers free credit check without having to input a credit/debit card number to obtain a free trial
Why would a FREE credit rating company want your card details ? Could somebody tell me what free means?
Why would a FREE credit rating company want your card details ? Could somebody tell me what free means?
Where can I go for a free copy of my entire credit report?
I am having some trouble with my credit. I now that I have some credit card debt, but I am taking care of that through debt consolidation. I know that I have tons of medical bills, and tons of student loans that are not getting paid back. The thing is I don't know all of these because I am not recieving bills. I was wondering if there was a place I could key in my name and maybe my social and have a credit report come up that would show me how much I owe exactly and to who."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How do I find out if my identity was stolen?
I'm only 17, but last month I lost my wallet and it had my ID in there. I just now found out that my SSN card was in there as I thought all along that it was mixed in with some papers and I couldn't find it. What do I have to do to find out if my identity has been stolen and can I alert the government of this mistake?"
"If I need a co-signer for an auto loan, will my credit be affected?
Lets say I have my parents co-sign for an auto loan I want to get. I make all my payments on time and eventually pay it off. Will it have a positive effect to my credit score even though I needed a co-signer or is only their credit affected?
Auto loan question?
the people that i got a loan through wants me to pay all now which is like 20 thousand. i have talked to them cause i havent been able to make last months payment, and now i get a letter stating that they want the maturity of my loan immediatly. i plan on making a payment soon, what will happen if i just send them my payment will they stop asking me for the entire amount"
What are student loans used for?
What can they be used for? Can it be used for school stuff you cant afford? Laptops, car transportation, abroad trips, rent, or more school oriented stuff? Paying for classes, books, school materials? Right now im in heavily need of money. Ive been unemployed for almost 10months now and cant get a job since. Im getting FAFSA, but i cant this year since my parents didnt file their taxes right and didnt receive any check or anything. No grants or scholarships. Ive applied but need money asap, and scholarships dont come in until the end of the year. And now im really leaning towards a student loan. Right now i need a car and a laptop for school. So i want a $2000 loan. That money would be used for a $500 down payment on a car and $1000 for a new computer. and the other 500 for books and for payments for my car, at least 2months. I will get a job this coming 2 month. Both my parents lost their house and filed bankruptcy. So idk if that would hurt my chances in getting a loan?"
"Is this on my credit, or not?"
Back in 2008, I just turned 18 and I was being young a dumb and decided to move out. Of course I ended up in a bad situation with my ex roommate, and I moved out like 2 and a half months if that, after I first moved in. Then months later I get a letter from a collection agency for $1,2XX dollars. I ignored the letters and never paid it off. Last year when I was trying to buy a car, that prevented me from getting a loan but eventually, I was able to get financed and I got the car I wanted with a pretty good interest rate. Now, I am trying to move out again (with no roommate) I'm wondering if landlords use a different data base to check rental history. When I check my credit, the collection isn't there. It used to be there but I'm not sure where it went. I'm pretty sure my ex roommate didn't pay it off, but it appears to be gone. I'm sure there is a record of it some where but I'm not sure where. Also, when I check my previous addresses, only my parents address shows. I'm filling out my application for the apartment and I'm not sure if I should put down that address or not. I want to be honest, but if it isn't on my credit then they see a wrote it down anyway and call my previous landlord, then I don't want to prevent myself from not getting the apartment."
How do I figure out my APR on my credit card?
I have a credit card and forgot wha tthe APR was, THe balance is 3729 with a limit of 7000. the minimum payment is 108. Can anyone help me out?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How will paying off a car loan affect my credit?
After 18 months, I owe about $6k on a $15k car loan. I want to pay the entire thing off with one big payment, but am wondering how this will affect my credit. Should I pay most of it, say, $5k, in order to get a free extra months of positive reporting?"
Any loan shark in Bristol these days??
Any loan shark in Bristol these days??
"Are these payday loans"" that are online real? It seems like a scam to me. And will u get it the next day?"""
Are these payday loans"" that are online real? It seems like a scam to me. And will u get it the next day?"""
I need an online loan with no security deposit required can any one help?
I need an online loan with no security deposit required can any one help?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
"My ex wife isn't making the mortgage payment, what can I do?"
Jmbunnie - thank you. I am currently calling these accounts to see when last payments were made and such. I will now be asking them to send me all paperwork on them. I figured I would get stuck some how getting affected by the bankruptcy. I know that Pa is a non community state so all credit cards that are solely in her name will not affect me and a bankruptcy lawyer told me that as well however if she waits till bankruptcy for the house, that will effect me. I have been trying to get her to sell the house for over a year and she just says no I will when I am ready. Does anyone know how to request a credit for the mortgage deviation paid to her during the period that she did not pay it? Do I just contact my domestic relations office?"
Hi all. Just a quick question about bad credit (OSAP)?
Hello. Shango Muffin here. I am curious, if a person is not able to pay off her OSAP and is having financial difficulties throughout the year; would this effect her potential to get a job (any job in general) ??? Besides gov jobs and financial related jobs, what other specific type of employers will reject you based on your bad credit? If people hold your bad credit against you by not hiring you.... how the heck are you supposed to make $$$ in order to pay off your overdue payements/depts and move on with your life?!? People are young, inexperienced and make mistakes when it comes to loans and credit... how can the established world hold this against them??? Anybody??"
I am Looking for Loans in Bangalore at the best possible interest rates to buy a property and construct?
I am Looking for Loans in Bangalore at the best possible interest rates to buy a property and construct can u refer me any reliable person who is in this field
"Hey, what are the lyrics to that new free credit report song?"
My friend and I have made our duty to memorize all of the Free credit commercial songs. They are so cool! It looks like thy made a new one, and I don't know it yet. Help!"
"I am approved for $12,000 by my bank for an auto loan. What car should I buy? Private or dealer? New or used?"
I don't like buying from dealers because they are priced higher. Plus they tack on the bogus certified"" title on many cars which increases the cost by thousands. I want a sub compact. I don't think there is anything new that I could afford so I am looking at used. I live in a medium sized town though"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Will a bank refinance a mortgage after a bankruptcy?
We bought our house 4 years ago and then declared bankruptcy a year later. We now want to refinance to pull the equity of approx 30k out of our house to use to fund our sons post secondary education. Will a bank, any bank in Canada do that or do I have to look for a specialized lender?"
Can i subdivide my property even though i have a mortgage?
let's say i have a home on a 1 acre parcel, with a big mortgage, will the lender allow me to subdivide the property into (2 ) 1/2 acre lots where only one of the newly formed lots will be encumbered by the mortgage? thanks"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Pay off my auto loan? Or Add to my down payment for a home loan?
yes, in my area $10,000 covers a down payment, these numbers I've already configured with my banker, I know I'm a little impatient in asking on here (I should really wait and talk to my banker). Emergency fund I'm working on-how much would you suggest to have aside? Sorry for so many questions, but as a first time home buyer I want to be sure all my tracks are covered, I don't want people judging my mistakes especially based on my age, I've heard at least 3 months of bills to should be set aside."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
I have a 560 Credit Score. How bad is it and what do i need to do to get a higher score?
I have a 560 Credit Score. How bad is it and what do i need to do to get a higher score?
Can someone help me understand this credit card lingo from wells fargo?
Alright, I received a credit card in the mail today that I had signed up for with my personal banker. I do not have parents to explain this lingo, and really don't want to be on the phone with my bank asking them about this. I understand most of it, but not all. My APR for purchases is 9.9% for 6 months then it is 15.15% The lower the better. If I don't make payments in full every month, I get charged with 9.9% of whatever I did not pay, correct? APR for balance transfers is the same. What is a balance transfer? APR for cash advances and overdraft protection advances is 23.99%. I don't know what the latter means, but I know I'm not going to incur any interest on cash advances because I will not need them Transaction fees- Balance transfers is $5 or 3% of the amount of each balance transfer (whatever is greater) for 6 months then it is up to 5%. What? Cash advances $10 or 5%... Doesn't apply to me. Overdraft protection $12.50 for $50 or less for the day or $20 if more than $50. What? Foreign currency conversion is 3%. I don't need to worry about this. Late payment is up to $35 and returned check/payment is up to $35. Okay I understand this. Interest rate calculation: Purchases 0.02712% Balance transfers is the same Index rate 3.25% Margin added to the above for determining APR is 11.90% Daily interest rate for purchases is 0.04150% .... For balance transfers it is the same Index rate is 3.25% Margin added... 20.74% daily interest rate for cash advances and overdraft protection advances 0.06572% Alright so what does most of this mean? I am only using it for groceries. Everything else goes to my debit card. Total credit limit is $1000 and cash advance is $500. So I can only spend $1000 in a month and withdraw $500 in a day. I get 3% cash back on groceries and whatnot. I have decent starting credit, but I am unsure if these numbers are decent. I can pay through my checking account and not have to do it by check, correct? This is a Wells Fargo platinum college cash back credit card. Thanks in advance guys!"
Whats the best way to remove a late payment from your credit score?
Whats the best way to remove a late payment from your credit score?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is there any way to see your FICO score for free?
I'm not talking about my credit reports, I know I can see them once a year for free - I'm talking about my FICO score, which is not included on my credit report. I see these Free FICO score"" and then it asks for payment (why say ""free"" and then ask for payment is about as scummy as it gets). Is there anyway to see the FICO score for free? I'm not looking for guesses or opinions"
How do I get rid of my PMI on a M&T mortgage?
I know i have to get my mortgage principal down about 20% but how would i start the process of getting rid of that damn PMI. I live in New York and have a M&T bank mortgage of 80,000"
Is it safe to give out a credit card number on internet?
The site was blocked. So i put the https"" myself and it opened. Does that still count? (it was originally http.)"""
If I file bankruptcy on one credit card how will it effect my credit score. other bills are paid?
If I file bankruptcy on one credit card how will it effect my credit score. other bills are paid?
How do I figure out my APR on my credit card?
I have a credit card and forgot wha tthe APR was, THe balance is 3729 with a limit of 7000. the minimum payment is 108. Can anyone help me out?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.