How do I elevate my credibility at work?
Payal Nanjiani
World Renowned Executive Coach Leadership Expert & Consultant New York Award Winning Author Recognized by the TIMES Group as a TOP Executive Coach
Many of us work hard, but we don't get that visibility at the office, and visibility is very important, When we are not visible, we tend to get overlooked for salary increases and promotion.
Many people try to impress their bosses and do things to please them, and in turn they appear inauthentic but none of these tactics are going to appear to make you smarter.
Basically, when you have credibility, it means you have gained enough respect and people take note of your ideas, it means that others come to you for direction and guidance, it means you've been given more challenging tasks and more rewarding possibilities, it means you feel like you are making progress and have a place in the world.
To build credibility, I'll give you a few steps that will help you to establish your credibility at work.
My friend, it takes time to establish credibility, but only a moment to destroy it. It's frequently the tiny things that you do over time that can either build or ruin your reputation.
Your Good Friend and Mentor
Payal Nanjiani