How Do I Create An Estate Plan During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

How Do I Create An Estate Plan During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

By now, someone has probably told you that you need to have an estate plan – the question is how do you create an estate plan during the coronavirus pandemic? If you came here looking for an answer to that question, you have come to the right place. Read on to learn how to begin the estate planning process and how Jurado & Farshchian, P.L. can help.

Keep Calm, Create Your Estate Plan

These are undeniably uncertain times, and there is a lot of fear in all of us; however, the best way to make it through this difficult time is to not panic. There is a global pandemic going on, but that does not mean we need to wait and see what happens – we must take action! We need to hope for the best but also prepare for the worst. The question is how do we prepare for the coronavirus? What legal steps can we take? Some people may arrive at a simple conclusion: estate planning. However, that may lead to more questions. How do I create an estate plan while there is a global pandemic going on out there? Is it even possible?

The answers to those questions are actually quite simple. Is it possible to create an estate plan during the coronavirus pandemic? Yes. How? By working with Jurado & Farshchian, P.L. and letting us take care of everything – that is how.

Here is what you need to do:

  • Choose your representatives. To begin the estate planning process, you will have to choose an executor or successor trustee to your estate. However, you should not name only one person. It is a good idea to provide a list of names in preferential order, in case someone is unable to serve when the times comes.
  • Update your bank accounts. Some of your assets may pass directly to your beneficiaries without going through Florida probate via payable-on-death (POD) designations. In the majority of cases, naming a beneficiary is as simple as logging onto your online bank account and providing the person’s contact information.
  • Create your plan. To create an estate plan during the coronavirus pandemic, you will need more than just a last will and testament. Your estate plan should include a collection of legal directives expressing your final wishes in detail. Ideally, your plan should contain a Florida living trust, advance healthcare directives, and powers of attorney in addition to a will.
  • Review your plan. Once your estate planning documents are ready, you must review them to make sure they say exactly what you want (and need) them to say. If you already have an estate plan, you must review your documents, as some of them may contain ambiguous language or outdated designations that could force your beneficiaries into a court proceeding. Remember, no matter how good your estate plan looks today, it might become outdated tomorrow. You should review your documents periodically to make sure they represent your current wishes and are accurate when it comes to your assets and beneficiaries.

Work with an Estate Planning Attorneys

You may be asking yourself, “Do I need a lawyer to create an estate plan?” The answer to that question is quite interesting. You do not need a lawyer, but you definitively need a lawyer. While hiring a lawyer is not required by law, many people have learned the hard way that it should be, as it is the only way to avoid making costly estate planning mistakes.

Creating an estate plan can be tricky under normal circumstances, as mistakes are, unfortunately, astonishingly easy to make. However, these are not normal circumstances – there is a global pandemic going on out there. If you want to create an estate plan during the coronavirus pandemic, working with an experienced lawyer is crucial.

Are You Looking to Create an Estate Plan During the Coronavirus Pandemic? Work with Jurado & Farshchian, P.L.

At Jurado & Farshchian, P.L., it is our goal to give our clients peace of mind at every step of the legal process, and that includes prioritizing their health. Once you retain our services, we will do our best to minimize exposure risks by discussing your wishes through video conferencing or over the phone, and we will take all necessary precautions when it is time for you to sign your estate planning documents. Get in touch to learn how we can help.

We are currently offering a reduced flat fee of $999 for our legal representation, which includes the drafting of the following estate planning documents:

  • Last Will & Testament,
  • Durable Power of Attorney,
  • Living Will, and
  • Health Care Surrogate Designation.

If you have any questions about how to create an estate plan during the coronavirus pandemic, do not hesitate to contact us today. Call Jurado & Farshchian, P.L. at (305) 921-0440 or send us an email to [email protected].


