How Do I Celebrate Eid When My People Cannot???
Allah Almighty says: “Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying). I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me” (Quran, 2:152).
Today is a day for gratitude.
Today is a day to be thankful to Allah.
We must be thankful that we;
- Witnessed Ramadan
- Are witnessing Eid
- We can pray in our masjid
- We are safe and sound
- We can give our children gifts
Not only because we enjoyed these privileges, but also because most Muslims do not.
We cannot escape the reality of what is going on in Palestine. We cannot but help feel grief, we cannot help but cry as we watch our brothers and sisters be killed and our leaders watch and are silent.
However, Brothers and sisters, this is our Eid, and it is a day to be praising Allah and finding joy in doing that. We take no pleasure from the realities of our time, as we know from the hadith, the Ummah is like one body, but we must not let our head’s go down. We stand firm and proud today, and make Takbir, and tell the world we praise Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha ilAllah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, walillahil Hamd.
My brothers and sisters, we are a people of optimism and progress. We do not fear and grieve of this world, as we know our dead are martyrs and our hurt are only raised in rank.
So today, I want you to turn your pain into a sense of Gratitude and engage with a positive energy, celebrating Eid with your family, but in a way that adds value to the plight of the believers. It’s not to forget the pain of others, it’s to be grateful for what you have, and use this to bring value to all.
So today, I don’t want you to be guilty, I want you to be appreciative and active in showcasing that. For that I wish to share three simple advices.
1. Educate your family and children on Palestine.
Sometimes it’s hard for us all to spend lots of time researching things and teaching our kids about our culture and history. Keep it simple. Keep it clear. Keep it memorable. Ensure all your family has three facts about Palestine and share this with your visitors. For example:
· The land is blessed and the angels spread their wings over Palestine.
Prophet (PBUH) said, “How blessed is Shaam!” The companions asked: ‘Why is that?’ The Messenger (SAW) replied, “I see the angels of the Most Merciful spreading their wings over it.’”- (Tirmidhi)
· One prayer in Jerusalem is like a thousand prayers elsewhere
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “It is the place of Judgement Day where everyone will be called. Come and pray in it, for one prayer in it is like one thousand prayers elsewhere” (Tirmidhi)
· The people of Palestine are the best of people
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best of the inhabitants of earth will reside where Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) migrated (Jerusalem).” [Abu Dawud]
2. Encourage your family to donate their Eidi.
This is very good for the Tarbiyah of the children. It still lets them find some enjoyment of receiving, but also allows them to share in the difficulties of their brothers and sisters. Be generous with them and encourage them to be generous with the Ummah of Muhammad, Upon Whom Be Peace & Blessings.
3. Remind your family the Lord of Ramadan Is The Lord of Time
The prophet said, ‘A person’s supplication will continue to be answered so long as he does not pray for something sinful or for the breaking of family ties.’ (Muslim)
Today I am telling you, being a better Muslim right here today and joining family times in your locality today, will improve the acceptability of your Dua for Palestine. Be it for one person. So make your intention that you're fixing broken relationships for your duas, and see the blessings.
Khutbah II
To my dear sisters, today is a day where you will find it much easier to be sinful. Shaytaan is no longer locked up, and the desire to dress up and beautify yourself means often you compromise on who your beauty is seen by. So, I remind you of three things.
1. Allah lord of the world’s commands you to hijab. He who gives you life, safety, freedom, protection, and the ability to cover yourself, commands you to cover yourself. It’s not just about having a clean heart, it’s not just about having modesty in your general dress and manners, it’s very clear from our book, he commands you to cover. So, cover from all those who do not have a right to see what Allah has told you to hide.
2. Be thankful to Allah that you have the freedom to cover. Muslim women across Europe today, even if they wish to cover, they cannot. They are not even allowed to go into a hospital with a hijab on in France. Be thankful you are not tested like this. Look to please the one who created you, fashioned you with his own hand, and put paradise at your feet. He will never let you down, and he will always be there.
3. If you are covering, and observing the hijab, be respectful and inviting to your sisters, who do not. There are many sisters that are put off the hijab and modest dress, by the manners of those sisters who are harsh but with hijab. It could be that your hijab became the barrier to someone's guidance, so always be humble and adorn yourself with the best of manners. Remember the beautiful words of our habeeb who, said,
“Verily, Allah is gentle and He loves gentleness. He grants reward for gentleness what is not given for harshness.” Source: S?ah?i?h? Ibn H?ibba?n 486
Look for God’s mercy, be kind to people, do not judge them, and pray for one another.
With that, I end and I wish you an Eid Mubarak.
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