How do I build a new CRM (Level 1.1)
Today I want to talk about security. Now what is security? Is it having extra locks on the door, or is it knowing the door has been opened?
The dedicated cyber crime officer for Thames Valley Police once told me "when I'm out doing cyber security seminars, I carry a power cord and a set of pliers. I lift the power cord high in the air and live on stage, cut the cord with the pliers. I then explain to the crowed that my computer is now safe from hacking!" Wile that might be true, it's also safe from being used at all.
There are all manner of informational sites, explaining "how to make Salesforce more secure" and "Fingerprint authorisation through the Microsoft or Salesforce App" But if your running a database with a 1000 users, and a 20% Y-Y staff retention, how do you know your data has actually been stolen?
Well........firstly, you can track what user has been downloading on platforms like salesforce. You can run reports and set alerts to indicate that XYZ user has just downloaded a 50mb file. Also, Salesforce has a "Maximum" number of cells you can look at in a report without doing a more drilled down report or downloading data.
But this still doesn't actually tell you in 12 months if YOUR company or candidate/B-C client data is now in someone else's mail chimp database. So what we do is "Seed" the database.
What is Seeding? That means we fill the database with fake companies and emails that go somewhere. What's more, some clients will give a certain email or phone number to a particular supplier. I have actually taken a call from a client explaining that there are emails coming in from competitors that shouldn't be, on a dedicated email for said job board. The reason clients do this, is to track the success of an individual supplier, but seeding is the best way forward. This can be done with a solicitor, or an accountant, using their URL but with a totally made up contact. The moment a competitor pings the made up email, there is no better person to jump on that then your solicitor.
Why am I telling you this, because I've now seen several databases where, when I've asked "Is this seeded?" the answer has been "What's that?"
If your not currently doing this, feel free to reach out for some advice or better explanation.